Intervew with Tilly Rivers

April is an exciting month; there is Easter to look forward to, early flowers peeking their green little heads out from the last remains of the snow, sunny days, and the 1st year anniversary of Main Street Magazine!

To mark this momentous occasion MSM interviewed its Editor and Founder, Award winning author Tilly Rivers. On top of some interesting comments about MSM we also get a sample of the inner Tilly herself, and what makes her who she is:


What was you proudest accomplishment so far with MSM?


There have been many in the past year, I have been humbled with the growth of the readers so quickly, daily hits of a million readers on the blogs, over 25 k, world wide asking for copies to be sent via email, amazing reviews, voted hottest new magazine. Sometimes I sit back and think, is this for real? With all of the success of the magazine, it is the comments from people like Andy Scott, a poet that we featured in the December 2009 issue, that was so excited and thrilled to be on the magazine cover, or one of our writers Judi Rosen- who wrote such a wonderful thank you note to me, that brought tears to my eyes, and all because someone gave them a chance to show the world how talented they were. I am so proud of everything about this mag!


What are your future plans for changes or additions to MSM in the coming year?


It is almost as if the magazine has its own pulse, a live entity, it changes and shapes itself with little planning, I just ‘feel’ it. I listen to the feedback of the readers, we try something new, add or take away, with out worry of making a mistake, I suppose that is the beauty of it, no fear, just a magazine with a purpose to give back, to be able to add some love and fun, in a world that sometimes seems to be to hectic, to out of control, to over whelming with stress and mess. My future plans? To keep doing what we are doing.


Have you considered having articles specific for mothers with regard to parenting and parenting issues as the majority of your readers are women?


I haven’t, and there are a few reasons why. One there are many great magazines out there that are parent geared, experts in their field so-to-speak, and the other is, I believe that while being a Mom is wonderful ( I am one)- in my opinion, motherhood should not be ‘who’ you are. Women are sexy; vibrate intelligent creatures, as well as mothers and I hope MSM reminds us of that!


It is no secret that you have dealt with and continue to deal with health problems, how does that affect your abilities in running and writing for MSM?


I get frustrated with me at times, because as of yet my energy level is not where I would like it, however, I think it actually gives me more of a push, or an edge, I see things differently, and I hope that in my own personal articles the readers will be able to see that. I am truly blessed with an amazing career, I was born to write, be it as a best selling author, a simple journal entry or MSM, not many can say they love what they do, and I am among those select few. My health issues will be another story- and one with a happy ending!


Anyone who knows you personally or has read any of your articles knows that you are a positive and up-beat person, do you find it difficult or easy to find the same “spirits” to work with in the making of MSM?


I get many requests from people in whom want to write for MSM, I laugh when they introduce themselves, and some have not even taken the time to read an issue, or even an article, it is just common sense to do some due diligence. I have however found that kindred spirits are easier found than one might think; it is all about what you are looking for, what you ‘attract’ in your life. Love, laughter, positive energy comes easily if you just let it flow; I think of my life as a kitchen colander, drain the crap- keep the good. ~smiles~


Where would you like to see yourself as an author and publisher in 5 years time?


I do not think past the moment. If you take care of today, tomorrow is easy. All I know for sure is that in some way, shape or form I will be writing!


How do you deal with the negative feed back you have received from your books, and how does that negative feedback affect current and future endeavours?


Each person has to be true to themselves, and I will continue to be ‘me’- and that includes writing explicit erotica. The stalkers where not so cool, that was a scary place, but as for the ‘hate’ mail, I shrug it off- after all their hangs ups do not belong to me! Thankfully there are many more men and women that love me ~smiles~ thus making me an international best seller and I are very thankful for that.


Are there going to be any ‘spin offs’ or ‘branches’ to MSM that we the readers can look forward to?


I hope so! I would love to do an erotica mag- what do you think- wicked ways? - ~giggles~ or maybe a version for the guys. But I think I will stay focused on MSM for the moment.


What do you find to be the most difficult challenge to MSM?


Deadlines, one or more of the writers is always late with their article, and I am the worst!


Who would you say is your role model and how have they influenced your career?


I know it is cliché, but my parents. I was the youngest child, and if you ask my siblings—spoiled rotten. ~smiles~ admittedly so, but not once did my parents ever tell me what I should ‘be’ when I grew up, that I needed to be a nurse, or a teacher. I had a huge imagination as child, still do, and when I would play warrior princess and slay a dragon, my father never said, men have to be warriors, and my mother never said I needed to cook the dragon for the King, or worse, to stop playing such nonsense. When I wrote my first erotica book, they never said, ‘oh my’- they where proud as could be. They are both gone now, and it is my goal to make sure they are elbowing the ‘spirit’ beside them saying-see her- that’s my baby girl playing warrior princess!”


What was is the most inspiring feed back you have received from a reader?


The most inspiring feedback from a reader was from a young woman who told me that she felt powerless and forgotten in life. That in all the hustle and bustle of trying to get ahead, that she had forgotten about the simple pleasures until she read MSM- and that she laughed-out-loud for the first time in a long time, she discovered that what was most important are her dreams and not the rat-race. Why—she said---am I killing myself in misery to make another rich at the cost of laughter and the things that make me happy? She thanked us, for reminding her of her dreams, and to laugh. And I cried, because that is really what MSM is all about- it is a dream catcher!

That is our goal, to give you an inside view of our world-show you beauty through our eyes-divulge secrets-express radical thought and present a different view., and above all to laugh- love and be true to you!

So, fellow MSM readers and fans, we wish all contributors, writers, and most of all readers a Happy 1st Birthday with well wishes and high hopes for the future!!

See you next month.

Chris Reynolds

As seen in the April Issue of Main Street Magazine
Copyright MSM
Canadian ISSN: 1920-4299

April Contest

Win a dinner with our Founder and Ceo,
award winning author Tilly Rivers!
Check out the April Issue for details.

Join us as we celebrate our 1st year anniversary!

Check out our April Issue for all the fun.

2009 Women’s Business Awards

Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 11:27am

2009 Women’s Business Awards

Tilly Rivers has been named the Entrepreneur of the Year!

Journalist; Tom Fellows

NY- It has been a great pleasure of mine to follow the career of Tilly Rivers. This lady is a role model for women of all ages, her zest for life is captured in any and all projects that she does. Let’s take a look at her career path.

In the beginning she started out doing free lance shorts for popular ‘adult’ magazines, soon her following grew and she wrote her first anthology “Seditious.” The book published by the Random House Group received modest reviews and success. Her next group of erotica shorts titled “Salacious” hit the #1 best selling list fourteen days after its release.

Rivers daringly modeled in a few risqué adult magazines while dating a male model, while these photos are nudes she kept them tasteful and suggestive. She was also chosen in a few fashion shots, and of course has had many publicity photo shoots spanning her career.

Her name soon became part of the celebrity list and the ‘who’s who’ of the celebrity world as the best selling author of erotic prose Salacious and Wisteria Moon. Last year Tilly won the; "2007-08 Sexiest Radio Voice Award” for her new internet radio programs "Features,” and “Let’s Talk About It.”

Her radio host career was fun, but short as she decided to focus on her roots. Writing.

Rivers opened her own publishing company for awhile, but decided the stress was too much taking a toll on her health, the company closed in April of 2008.

Today Rivers is the CEO and founder of Rain Enterprises. Rain Enterprises has the most talked about adult dessert line; “Frozen Vines” and this year launched “Main Street Magazine.” Main Street began as an Ezine, with thousands hits per day.

This should not be a surprise, her celebrity status and loyal fan following can not seem to get enough of this blonde. Her popularity continues to grow leaps and bounds. In the fall of this year Main Street Magazine goes to print, with rumors’ that she has had world wide requests for copies.

Her name; Tilly Rivers, has been said in jest would make a perfect 'tag word' for anyone seeking website traffic, as her influence and world celebrity status is becoming a house hold word. Maybe she should sell her name to top search engines?

When asked how she will be holding up against the stress of running Rain Enterprises, she was reported as saying “What stress?” Frozen Vines is in the trusting hands of others, my focus is Main Street, which is a love not a stress.”

This award could not have gone to a more deserving person. Rivers surely must have invented “out of the box thinking.” The secret to her success? Correction, successes? As soon as I find out I will let you know.

Or will I?

For more information about Main Street Magazine visit

Gizmo's and Gadgets - March

March's Gizmo’s and Gadgets celebrates the cigar smoker. There are only two stands that people seem to take when it comes to cigar, love it or hate it. Surprisingly, more and more women are becoming cigar smokers, so let’s take a look at a nice little gadget for her:

Lipstick {Cigarette/Cigar} Lighter

This Ladies lighter is fashionable, light weight (40 g), silver and ‘bling’ give it an added touch of fun that will be sure to match up with any outfit or occasion. Electronic ignition, easy and convenience to use and is refillable. Market Value about $16.99, US $

Spanish Cedar Cigar Trays

As your cigar collection grows, and you start to use larger cigar storage devices such as coolidors and large cigar cabinets, a Spanish cedar cigar tray might be one of your favourite cigar gadgets. Most cigar cabinets and coolidors are geared towards box storage. If you are storing a bunch of boxes that are half full, you are wasting a lot of space. To Increase the storage capacity of your coolidor or large cigar cabinet, buy yourself some Spanish cedar cigar trays for your single cigars and empty out those half full boxes into your new trays. The cigar trays measure approx. 12.5″ x 7.5″ x 2.25″ and will hold about 30- 40 cigars. At a cost of about $9.99, US $ per tray, these Spanish cedar cigar trays will be a valuable additions to your cigars.

Written By: Debra Young
Copyright Main Street Magazine
As seen in the March Issue of Main Street Magazine
Canadian ISSN:1920-4299

May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
~Irish Blessing

Each leaf, each blade of grass vies for attention.

Even weeds carry tiny blossoms to astonish us.

Marianne Poloskey, Sunday in Spring

Chef of Merit - Chef Trevor Simms

Written By: Tilly Rivers

Copyright 2010, Rain Enterprises/MSM (Main Street Magazine)

As seen in the February issue of MSM

This month MSM has focused on love. February is after all the time of Cupid, Romance and couples enjoying a wonderful meal. So, I hunted for a location, and chef that would create that certain something-something for any couple to enjoy.

Chef Trevor Simms and the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront fit the bill! Trevor is from Southern Newfoundland, so I can only guess that when the opportunity came up in 2007 to go back to the East Coast Trevor jumped all over it, even if that meant taking a slight demotion from Executive Chef at the Renaissance Hotel in Niagara Falls Ontario, to Executive Sous Chef at the Halifax Marriott for a time. Sometimes passion means more than 'title.'

Chef Simms is quoted as saying "After spending an eye opening season at Dismas Leblanc's The Four Fishermen Bistro under Chef Stefan Czapalay, I learned total kitchen operation from Grand Opening (Carpentry Skills a must) to gardening and dealing with local organic growers. Stefan's ideas were specific. Clean lines, dramatic pairings and artful presentation. From there, I traveled to Jasper Park Lodge to seek experience with Canadian Pacific Hotels under the tutelage of David McGillivary. He taught me a simple respect for indigenous products and presentation. Drama was this Chef's hallmark, known for creating Menus and Buffets with Canadiana Flair.
With the East calling, I traveled to Sackville, New Brunswick to cook at the Marshlands Inn and further on to the St. Martins Country Inn. This tour of inns gave me an interesting insight into business operations at every level, but the big challenge came when Ontario called and needed talent to open a Casino and recently opened 5 star hotel with 9 restaurants and a world of prospects. While there I moved around the operation to gain an understanding of large volume cooking and small Italian, Asian and French cuisine, even a tour in Pastry. With Chef Raymond Taylor at the helm, he teaches bold flavors, lots of height and hands on approach to management that is truly inspiring."
Trevor spent five years at Casino Rama in Orillia, Ontario as the Sous Chef, With the promotion to Executive Chef he created culinary delights at both The Lake Joseph Club and The Renaissance Hotel for another five years before going back to the East Coast.
Trevor, now the Executive Chef at Halifax Marriott will delight your taste buds and tease your palette with such menu offering as the Lighthouse Chowder, Roasted Local Heritage Salmon and of course no East-Coast cuisine is complete without Fresh Nova Scotia Lobster. Let us not forget the "Now Famous" Shellfish Bowl or Sweet Potato Fries. As a vegetarian, I do eat seafood on occasion, but save it for special moments with special chefs, and was not disappointed with either Chef Trevor Simms culinary talent or the great ambiance at the Marriott!
Bonn Appetite my friends, be sure to visit the Halifax Marriott at the Harbourfront the next time you find yourself enjoying some great East Coast hospitality!
44 North, Halifax Marriott Harbourfront
As seen in Main Street Magazine
Canadian ASSN-1920-4299

Main Street Magazine
Wants to Wish You a Happy and Safe
St. Patricks Day!!

Thoughts From an Empty Mind

By Judi Rosen

© Copyright Main Street Magazine, February 2010 Isse

Canadian ISSN:1920-4299

Hello Main Street readers. I'm the new gal around here and that's a heavy burden. A million ideas have crossed my mind about this first foray into article writing. You see, I'm basically a writer of prose, verse and thoughts or ideas. Well…I write terrific speeches too!

So ruminating over this, a thought struck me, the Winter Olympics are in Vancouver,

BC this month and as an American from California, I've been lucky enough to have made many a trip to your wonderful city. Though my hopes of going to the Games won't come true, I know I'll be glued to my TV for 14 days never-the-less. I've always been amazed how we on the West Coast of two different countries are so very much alike. Even the accents are almost the same.

I want to tell you about an indelible incident in your wonderful city, which will forever live in my heart. I was in Vancouver on that black day of 9/11, just having returned from an Alaska cruise. We were rousted out by Canadian and US Customs and told a sketchy story of the events in NY and DC that morning.

We were scrutinized, our passports and ID's gone over twice and luggage checked. Herded onto our buss for the airport, we were informed that our FAA was grounding all flights into and out of the US from all over the world and though our flight was on Alaska Airlines, it may not be able to leave. I was with my best friend and as we saw the horror on TV in the airport, we clung tight to each other and cried along with all the other Californians in our group. We were scared for not only us, but for what we didn't know.

We thought if we got a coffee and talked it out, we would calm each other. I can't begin to tell you, how, when Canadian people in the airport found out we were Americans, they rallied about all of us. We were not allowed to pay for our coffee; we were offered lodging in people's homes, offered money in case we had little or no Canadian dollars, people wanted to buy us things that had preceded us to our plane and were locked awaiting Customs at LAX.

A nice couple wanted to drive us around to get a room at a hotel if we were grounded and offered to pay for it. Someone brought us lunch and a cold beer, college students asked if we had relatives in NY and offered to call them for us, as our cell phones did not work there. No one would let us buy a thing, and everyone wanted us to please let them know if we got home safe. Rumours were running rampant that the Golden Gate Bridge was mined and LA was next to be hit.

A Doctor who had just returned from San Diego, from a meeting bought us ice cream and when he found out I managed a GI medical practice, and that was his specialty, we had a wonderful back and forth on the merits of how often one should have a Colonoscopy. I also found out a lot about the Canadian Health care system.

We were not the only US Citizens taken under your wing…our table mates on the cruise were from Florida, and treated the same way. The husband was an FBI Agent and his Bureau was desperate for him to get to Washington. He saw a pilot coming from a flight and stopped him and asked if he knew where to get a charter. This generous man helped him to charter a plane, while on a 3 way call to the FBI in Washington guaranteeing to pay for it. The charter pilot had participated in Air force War Games in the US years before and offered to do this gratis.

I could go on, but how much gratitude do you need to understand the place I hold in my heart for those Vancouverites who never thought about themselves, but about some Americans who had suffered a horrible loss.

Very late in the day we got permission to fly home. From beneath the wing of our plane, against the night sky, we saw the array of lights telling us this was Los Angeles and home. But as the rest of our weary shipmates stepped onto US soil, we all sent up a cheer for the Canadians who had, for a moment in time, become one of us and we of them...