Are You Green With Envy?
Have you ever been jealous of a friend? Do you dwell on envy or jealousy instead of focusing on your own life? Jealousy may be a natural emotion for many of us, but when you focus on the success of your peers too much; it becomes obsessive and detrimental to how you value your own life.
A good illustration is the movie "Envy". In the movie, Tim and Nick are best friends, co-workers and neighbors. When Nick invents something that makes him rich, Tim is extremely jealous. He devotes his time trying to undermine Nick's success. Meanwhile, while Nick and his wife are enjoying their new riches and happiness, Tim's relationship with his wife and family is falling apart. He can't concentrate on anything but his neighbor's success, and consequentially, his own life is falling apart. This is an example of how uncontrolled jealousy can be detrimental to your health, life, and happiness.
Concentrate On Your Emotions
What is causing your jealousy or envy? Why are you jealous? It is likely that a lack of self-confidence is the source behind your envy. Step back and take a look at your own feelings. If you are insecure, the lives of other people may seem glamorous when you feel you have nothing to brag about. Remember that while you're angry at something someone else has, the reverse may be true: there may be people who covet something you have!
Channel Your Jealousy
Instead of wallowing in jealousy or envy, use your friend's success as inspiration to create your own! Use your jealousy as motivation to move you into action. If you're jealous of a fit person, begin an exercise routine. If you're jealous of a coworker who was recently promoted, ask your supervisor what you can do to get promoted as well and work towards that goal. You, too, can be moving up the career ladder, but you have to be open to change and constructive criticism.
Count Your Blessings
Envy is shallowness. You're focusing too much on material things rather than the quality of your life in other terms. Think rich not wealthy. When you're wealthy, you have a lot of money. When you're rich, you're rich in many other things: relationships, family, career, quality of life, and the list can go on and on. Think of what you have to be happy about instead of what others have. You will be surprised at how many blessings you can count!
Think of The Negative Side
Envy is painful, self-destructive, and self-inflicted. No one can make you jealous; you are the one who thinks jealously. As mentioned above, try to ignore those envious tendencies and focus more on your own life and success stories. Envy is definitely self-destructive. You may become obsessive, following the progress of and living vicariously through someone else. You have your own life to live, so stay positive!
You Are Unique
Admiration does not have to mean envy. Instead of wishing you were in their position, be happy for them. Say "Good for you!" and move on. Don't live in constant comparison with others. Don't compare yourself or your achievements, don't judge yourself that way. You are different and no one should be compared to you. You cannot be someone else; you can only be yourself. So work on being the best "you" that you can be! Cherish your individuality. Remember that, people will always have you will want, but focusing on that want can bring you down. Instead, focus on your personal strengths. Focus on your own goals, ambitions, and dreams.
~Ansa Edim~
© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises
As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.
Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises
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