Author Interview: Thomas O'Callaghan

Author Thomas O'Callaghan of Bone Theif Interview on "Features Radio Show"

Thomas O'Callaghan's work has been translated for publication in Germany, Slovakia, Indonesia, and the Czech Republic. Italy will be added to that list in 2008.

As an internationally acclaimed author, Mr. O'Callaghan is a member of both the Mystery Writers of America and the International Thriller Writers Associations.
A native of New York City and a graduate of CUNY, Mr. O'Callaghan resides with his wife, Eileen, a stone's throw from the Atlantic Ocean in beautiful Belle Harbor, New York, where he is working on NO ONE WILL HEAR YOU, the latest in a five book series of thrillers featuring NYPD Lieutenant John Driscoll.

His most recent, THE SCREAMING ROOM, was released by Kensington Books in May 2007.
Thomas will be interviewed live on Features Radio Show on May 30 2008

Perfection is Overrated

Author: Renita Kalhorn
Email: renita (@)intheflowcoa

The great cellist Pablo Casals was once asked by the sound engineer during a recording session to redo a section where the intonation had been a little off. Indignant, Casals replied: "But that's the way I played it!"

As someone who hears the constant voice of self-criticism, I was struck with admiration for Casal's integrity. How many of us have such loyalty to "imperfect" reality that we would refuse the opportunity for a do-over? Most of us are much more focused on achieving perfection -- a life free from flaws and mistakes.

A Questionable Quest

Performing artists and athletes spend hours practicing their craft or sport, striving to ensure a "perfect"performance. In the workplace, we're intent on presenting an unimpeachable front to colleagues and superiors, and legions of brides spend outrageous sums to create the ideal wedding day.

But what is perfection exactly -- and how do we know when we've achieved it? Is it possible that the eternal pursuit of perfection could actually spell eternal dissatisfaction? What can't we simply have Casal's attitude of appreciation for "the way we played it"?

Perhaps you've been to a dance performance where one of the dancers had faultless technique and yet it was the one with less orthodox form whose uninhibited energy and passion captured your attention. Even in fashion magazines where airbrushed perfection reigns, some of the most successful models have been the ones with prominent "flaws" -- Cindy Crawford's mole, Lauren Hutton's gap-toothed smile. Makes you wonder whether absolute perfection isn't actually alittle boring.

A Moving Target

Of course, this isn't to say that we shouldn't seek to improve and achieve our best. But in this age of computerand surgical wizardry, the standards of perfection are constantly changing, heightening our fear of making mistakes or appearing less than perfect. When you find yourself more focused on hiding your blemishes than enjoying your life, you might keep these points in mind:- KEEP IT REAL.

For many of us, perfection equates with receiving approval and being liked (or at least not annoying anyone): "If I'm perfect, everyone will love me." But while people may be fascinated by the promise of perfection, they won't necessarily be comfortable in its proximity. As humans, we stumble and fall, blurt out inappropriate comments. It's what makes us authentic and not automatons. And when we see that others -- even the kickboxing instructor at your gym with the "perfect" body-- do the same, we feel a greater connection with them than we would if they never screwed up.- APPRECIATE YOUR MISTAKES.

Traveling the path toward perceived perfection means experiencing glaring imperfection. But paradoxically, it is our fear of appearing foolish that impedes us. Why not emulate young children, who learn without inhibition or self-doubt because they're more caught up in the joy of self-expression and learning new skills than they are in the fear of making a mistake. After all, mistakes serve to help us appreciate expert execution all the more.- IS IT PERFECT YET?

Regardless of how far we've come, we maintain our insistence that, "No, if only it were like this, then it would be perfect." Where did we get our notions of perfection anyway ' is it possible that we've been conditioned by society and media into a false belief that there is universal agreement when, in fact, there's no definitive consensus on what that is? Is the "perfect"dinner party the one with the exquisite flower arrangements, carefully matched settings and elaborate desserts, or the one with nonstop laughter?

So when you're beating yourself up because things are not going the way you think they should, who's to say you can't pronounce things perfect just as they are ' no matter howf rustrating, embarrassing or out of tune -- because "that's the way you played it"?

About the Author:Renita T. Kalhorn is a Juilliard-trained pianist with atop-tier MBA and a first-degree martial arts black belt. Leveraging the power of "flow," she coaches entrepreneurs and corporate professionals to achieve extreme focus and reach the top of their game at work. Claim your complimentary copy of "Find Your Flow! 21 Simple Strategiesto Banish Tedium, Reduce Stress and Inspire Action" at http://www.intheflo wcoaching. com

Marty's: Review only half a star!

Tilly Rivers
Food Critic: Immediate Release Media
“For Immediate Release”

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Review: Marty's
Location: Main Street Bracebridge, ON

Review Rating: ½ Star!

Butter Tarts are a weakness for me I will admit- and what better place to sneak a bite than at the famous Marty’s in Bracebridge- I was however very quickly disappointed—not only for the outrageous price of $6.75 for two pastry tarts but for the quality of the tart itself.

When I arrived the tarts I had been told had just come out of the oven only hours before. Yummy, I invisibly rubbed my hands- indulgences such as these were not everyday occurrences after all—when they rang up the two tarts and told me the price I will admit I was a bit shocked—it seemed over the top for two medium sized tarts- but a believer of the saying ‘you get what you pay for’ I forged on with the two tarts safely tucked in the plastic container my taste buds greedy to discover heaven- it has been so long- they screamed!

Opening the plastic container in the car, for I could not wait another second- yes I know patience is not my thing- and yes it is a virtue and all that- but for the moment I wanted what I wanted- and I wanted it NOW! Tongue ready, teeth in place, and…wait a minute…WTF?

Inside this pasty shell was syrup. That’s it…runny…overly sweet…gooey syrup! This is not what a butter tart was suppose to be, a little runny yes, but this…I could literally tip the tart over to the side and let the brown liquid pour from the shell to plastic container in a stream…well so much for that!

Am I still a believer of you get what you pay for? Yes. This time it seems I paid for a very bad tart!

Marty’s has a cook book coming out- I hope the tart recipe isn’t in it!

6 Interview Questions to Find the Right People to Hire

Author: Cameron C. Taylor

Hiring new employees has one of the greatest impacts on abusiness. Typical interviews focus on qualifications and howwell individuals present themselves. However, the most importantquality of an employee is good character. Once interviews are over, decisions usually come down to the employer's intuitions about each applicant's character. Unfortunately, those who"perform" well in interviews are not always those who have the best character. True character is often hard to see during short interviews. Using direct questions (e.g. Are you honest? or Are you a hardworker?) during an interview make it difficult to expose true character. A dishonest person will answer these questions convincingly. Instead of direct questions ask questions that do not have obvious right answers and will require the applicant to justify their answer. These type of questions help identify positive or negative attributes in the person. Consider the 6 following attributes and the sample questions.

Attribute 1: Honest or Dishonest. One of the most valuable attributes that create good character is honesty. Employees who are honest always tell the truth and are fair with others. People who are dishonest lie, cheat, and steal. To determine whether or not a job candidate is honest you could ask the following question. What are your feelings regarding chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies? (You may need to explain that in chapter 7 bankruptcy the debtor doesn't lose any assets and is not required to pay back the debt. Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the debts are required to be repaid.) If they are willing to take from their creditors, they will likely take from their employers.

Attribute 2: Responsible or Irresponsible. Those who are responsible use good judgment and accept accountability for their behavior. Those who are irresponsible make excuses and blame others. In your interview you could offer the following scenario: Who should be responsible for the settlement? A man attended a restaurant's grand opening and stayed for more than three hours, drinking cocktail. After leaving in his car, he crossed the center line and collided with a motorcycle. The motorcycle rider sued the steakhouse and the car driver and won $60 Million. The ideal answer is that the bulk of the responsibility should be placed on the car driver. The car driver chose to over drink. The goal for this scenario is to start a dialogue. If a potential employee states that it is the restaurant's fault,this person will likely be irresponsible.

Attribute 3: Charitable or Greedy. Someone who is charitable cares about others. They possess love, kindness, generosity and understanding. Those who are greedy care only about themselves. A good question would be:What volunteer work have you done in the last month? If a potential employee does not make time for others, they won't make time for others at work.

Attribute 4: Industrious or Lazy Being industrious is more than being busy. The industrious are persistent, energetic, diligent, and generally strive for perfection. The lazy, on the other hand, resist work and exertion and search for ways to look busy. To find out about work ethic ask a question like: What jobs did you have in highschool and college? Those who worked in high school and collegeare likely to have developed good work ethic and the attribute of industry.

Attribute 5: Thrifty or Wasteful. Those who are thrifty are careful when using resources and are mindful of the future when spending money. Those who are wasteful are inefficient in their use of time, effort and resources. A good question would be: If you received an unexpected $10,000 inheritance, what would you do with the money? An answer showing thriftiness would be paying off debts, savingor investing the money. A wasteful answer would include extravagant purchases with no consideration of debt or savings. If someone would spend their own money carelessly, they will also spend their employer's money carelessly.

Attribute 6: Humble or Proud. A person who is humble is also grateful and teachable. They typically don't feel that certain jobs are "beneath them". Someone who is proud is arrogant and conceited. Ask the question: Who would you give credit to for your major work accomplishments? Those who are proud will take all the credit for their accomplishments. The humble will recognize that others have helped them achieve success.

"Try-out" Period. When possible use a try-out or trial period of a couple days up to 2 or 3 weeks if available. If a project can not be assigned in the initial screening process, use this trial period to test new employees. Have them prove themselves using a variety of assignments. If a new employee is not measuring up, and it becomes clear that this will be a bad hire, you haven't failed unless you don't end the employment. Some employers will have a hard time ending a newly assigned job. While letting someone go is not enjoyable, the bigger problem will be working with this individual for years to come. It is much easier to go back to the interview process and hire the right person.

Conclusion Identifying the attributes that define character can be adifficult task. A successful job interview must be more than answering questions well. It must include answering question types that identify and reveal attributes that define character. Becoming successful at conducting character driven interviews will have a positive impact on your business by enabling you to identify good character and to hire the right people.

About The Author: Cameron C. Taylor is the author of the book"Does Your Bag Have Holes? 24 Truths That Lead to Financial and Spiritual Freedom."
http://www.DoesYour BagHaveHoles. org

Is Eating FRUIT the same as eating CAKE?

Author: Rosa Coelho
Email: rocofit (@) hotmail. com

Could eating fruit be keeping you from reaching you're fat loss goals? If you're trying to lose a lot of fat or simply looking tol ose those last few pounds then keep reading.

Let's start from the beginning:We all know our body needs food to provide us with energy,but how does it do this? It uses mainly carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are sugars that your body stores as glycogenfor to use as energy. There are two types of carbohydrates: Simple and Complex.

All carbohydrates are made of sugar. Complex carbohydratesare made up of hundreds of sugars molecules, these are your startches and fibrous foods that provide you with sustained energy as they take longer to digest. We're going to look more closely at simple carbohydrates. These consist of one to two sugars thus their name; simple.

Simple sugars include refined sugars such as cakes,biscuits, fizzy drinks and sweets, as well as natural sources found in fruits. Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly and give you energy quickly. Does this mean that eating fruit is the same as eating cake? Definitely not. Fruit is full of vitamins, minerals and fibre that is important for a healthy balanced diet however, what is important is when you choose to eat fruit.

The sugar in fruit is a simple sugar called fructose. Remember simple sugars are used immediately by your body for energy so if your glycogen levels are low then your body will use them, if not then your body will store them as fat. Note: If you follow a low GI diet and are confused as many fruits are low GI it's because the liver releases fructoseas fat. Fat does not raise insulin levels and therefore doesn't increase your sugar levels rapidly.

So should you eat fruit or not? YES but it's all about timing. The best time to eat fruit is first thing in the morning for breakfast or right after a work out. The reason being at these times your glycogen levels are low. Eating fruit at this time will help in your recovery. During the day your liver gylcogen levels are more likely to be full and therefore eating simple carbs could lead to the storage of fat. So go ahead, enjoy your fruit at the right times!

Try: apples, grapefruit, lemon, cataloupe,blueblerries, cherries, blackberries, oranges or strawberries. For breakfast or as a snack try a fruit smoothie. Blend yoghurt, mixed frozen berries, a bit of a gave nectar and a bit of water. Enjoy!

About the Author:Rosa Coelho is a Performance Coach, Personal Trainer and Sports Massage Therapist at Dax Moy Personal Training Studios in London. Rosa specialises in applying a holistic approach to health and fitness through The POWER Principles. For Rosa's free report 'Highly Effective Metabolism Boosters' Go to http://rocofitness. blogspot. com/or sign up to her FREE NEWSLETTER at http://www.rocofit. com/newsletter
The Adult Dessert Sponsors Features Radio Show

The common link between Frozen Vines and Features- Adult Indulgences!

(ON)- Frozen Vines announced they are sponsoring the radio program “Features” with best selling- celebrity author Tilly Rivers as the host. Frozen Vines is an infused VQA wine and spirit line of gelatos, sorbettos and tartufos that have been tagged as the adult dessert that teases your taste sensations.

“Features” radio show, meanwhile, is the adult program that indulges in adult pleasures from food, cigars and wine to books, music, relationships and sex. Features broadcasts every Friday evening on Blog Talk Radio- the new internet broadcasting station that has captured the attention of some major celebrity, sports and political personalities.

“You just never know what Tilly is going to say.” says one of her listeners. “She is the real deal- her accounting of how the Paramedics need to be on stand by when she cooks was hilarious.”

“Rivers can take an everyday subject and turn it in such a way that you are thinking sensual pleasure. She is fun and entertaining.” states another.

When asked if she has tried the product, her eyes light up and she replied “Absolutely- Frozen Vines is unique and amazing- it is exactly what foodies have been craving- a chic dessert that caters to adults. My favorite is the Black Sambucca Espresso- it stimulates my tongue in ways I have never experience before!”

Hmmm…was that one of those twisted comments that paints pictures in your mind of sensual pleasure?

Frozen Vines is a unique line of infused alcoholic gelato, sorbetto and tartufos that fine dining executive chefs, food critics, foodies and celebrity sommeliers have been ‘licking’ up- they have some major high profile accounts across Ontario. Dave Paterson, President of Frozen Vines is happy to sponsor the “Features” radio show- “After all” says Paterson “I should know Rivers’ talents more than anyone- she happens to be my girl!”


Healthy Eating That Kids Respond To

Author: Sarah Butland

Healthy Eating that Kids Respond To

Children finally want to read and eat healthy and it is all thanks to a recently published book titled Sending You Sammy. The first installment of a series intended to decrease the rate of obesity and increase the rate of literacy, Sending You Sammy is in book stores now.

With literacy on the decline and obesity on the incline good books with great values are what the world needs. Inspiring, habit changing, and an altogether educational read without boring or lecturing the reader, Sammy just keeps growing and learning alongside its readers.Aimed at children between the ages of nine and twelve Sending You Sammy is great for the even younger child to instill great eating habits before they desire the foods not on the food guide.

Basic nutrition in an inspiring and interesting way kids will actually respond to. For a bed time story you’ll be amazed with the choices your kids will make for breakfast so make sure you’re prepared and eat up! Everyone will want to let their children stay up late to read the story again.

Already proving its value with sales this book will have children wanting more and actually asking for a book for their birthday and you will want to be the person to buy it for them.

Bananas will never go bad again with children in your house. Even vegetables will be hard to keep in the house as there will be no more fighting to have everyone finish their carrots at supper time. Instead of watching Saturday morning cartoons people will be enjoying the outdoors and have the energy to do so. Life will never be the same again once this book is read and you’ll just wonder when the next Adventures of Sammy book will hit the shelves.

It won’t be long before fruit salad is being served instead of birthday cakes and then you’ll just see the pounds drop and kids be happy to wake up for school.

About the Author:
Sarah Butland, the author of Sending You Sammy, is living in New Brunswick, Canada where the rate of obesity increased by up to 2.5 times in one year. The rate among Canadian boys and girl increased by up to five times in the year 2006 which is an awful statistic. The province is said to have the highest rate of obesity in North America.

Adult illiteracy is a horrible situation and the solution starts years before with making it enjoyable for children to read. The more kids want to read the less people have to hide that they can’t read. Great books with valuable lessons will change the unacceptable direction the rate of illiteracy and obesity are headed in.

Book Printing Tip

When designing the layout of your book- do not forget the blank order form!
Book Printing Tip by Tilly Rivers

Placing an order form in every book is an inexpensive way to increase sales of your title(s). This order form can be designed in a number of formats, from a gift certificate for friends … to a listing of your titles … to a coupon for a free bookmark (or other gift) with order title xxx … to an order blank headed by the question, “Did you borrow this copy?”

Order blanks encourage orders from customers who first saw the book in a library, at a friend's house, or on an associate's desk. Other orders will come from repeat buyers who are purchasing extra copies as gifts for friends.

Such order forms are now quite common in most mass-market paperbacks, especially in the genre titles such as science fiction, western, and mystery novels. For example, Gregory McDonald’s Fletch, Warner had two pages of advertisements for books, one page listing four other Fletch titles by McDonald, the other page listing ten titles by P. D. James.

Dover Publications routinely includes listings of other related titles in their various lines of books.

Why not consider hooking up with another author and cross promoting? If your book is a Western for example, you could add your author friend’s romance novel information, and vs. versa. Pick an author whose title is linked- yet not your direct competition. For example, you have written a children’s book about George the Friendly Bear- an author you know has written a book about the Habits of Bears. You can even tale it one step further and partner up the sales process by ‘bundling’ them- buy both books for x $.

Janet Martin of Redbird Productions reports that most of the orders for their Cream and Bread book are placed via the order blanks in the back of the book.

To build interest in forthcoming titles, Bantam prints 16-page previews of upcoming titles in related books. For example, they printed a 16-page preview of a Nero Wolfe adventure written by Robert Goldsborough in the reprint editions of Rex Stout's original Nero Wolfe series. You can also do this with author friends- if they wish to add a small excerpt or summary of their prose in the back of your book create a win-win situation where they either pay for extra pages to print the excerpt- or you ‘trade’ page print costs- yours for theirs!

One problem with printing actual order forms in the back of your books is that bookstores do not look kindly on such blatant advertising for direct orders. Obviously, they would prefer that the reader come to them for any additional books. If your book is sold primarily through bookstores, you might want to replace the order form with a simple listing of your titles and prices plus your company name, address, and phone number. Or print your order form on another page besides the back page, for instance, right after the index. Besides, many libraries put their return card pocket on the back page.

If your books however are mostly sold online- be sure to add the website on the order blank!
One further comment: Never offer quantity discounts in your books, especially not to consumers—not if you want to sell your books in book-stores. Booksellers rightfully resent those who offer consumers better discounts than the booksellers can possibly offer. It's okay to say that quantity discounts are available to volume buyers (25 or more copies); just don't list the actual discounts. Direct readers to write to your company for the information.

About the author: Tilly Rivers is a national known best selling author, public speaker and radio host.

What Women Hate Most About Men

Author: Matt Huston

Insecurity / Neediness Women absolutely hate men who are not secure with themselves. I shutter whenever I hear a man say "do you like me?", "what would you rate me out of 10?", "Am I good in bed?", "Do you think my penis is big?" The list could literally go on forever. It is truly pathetic. Please stop acting insecure! Jealousy Jealousy is a manifestation of insecurity.

Men are basically jealous of other men because they feel threatened. A truly high value man would not feel threatened by anyone, regardless of how good looking, rich or powerful they were. You need to assume the attitude "other men only make me look good" and if you follow David DeAngelo's advice, other men actually will only make you look good.

I'd say 95% of guys out there have no clue how to handle women. Seriousness Guys who take themselves too seriously are very unattractive to women. It's basically the one main reason very intelligent men fail with women: they have no sense of humor. You need to start taking life one moment at a time. Work on developing DeAngelo's unique Cocky/Funny personality and you'll notice women becoming magnetically attracted to you. I really don't want to over hype DeAngelo's stuff, but I can tell you from personal experience that the Cocky/Funny technique is the one thing that gave me the best results, very fast.

Developing a Cocky/Funny personality will shed away the seriousness you harbor within. Women will love it. Controlling Behavior Men who demand their girlfriend not do specific things only cause them to want to do it all the more. Guys who demand that their girlfriend not hang out with other men or go to clubs or hang out with her friends are very unattractive. In essence, the forbidden behavior becomes alluring to women and they want to do it all the more. It's important that if you have a girlfriend already or when you eventually get one that you not put any handcuffs on her.

Don't ask her where she's at all the time, who she's with, get mad at her for checking out some other guy or anything of that nature. Just let her be. Remember that no amount of insecure bitching on your part will change anything. Choose indifference.

Bribery I see a lot of guys bribing women with gifts and other such gestures. The problem with this is that it comes across as though you're trying to bribe the women into liking you. It's basically cheap, ineffective manipulation. You think it's just you being nice but that's not how she sees it. Women want a fun, interesting, playful guy who can turn even the most mundane activity into an adventure with his personality alone. DeAngelo really taught me how to foster and develop that very personality so I didn't have to buy women gifts just to get them to like me. In fact, he taught me that the very act of buying gifts demonstrated to the women that I was not enough and that I had low self esteem. It truly is interesting how women think.

About The Author: For more info on David DeAngelo and how women think, click the following link:

Summary of the classic book "As a Man Thinketh"

Author: Craig Lock
Email: clock (@)

"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."
* Summary of (and extracts from) the classic book 'As a Man Thinketh' (by James Allen)
# Chapter One:
THOUGHT AND CHARACTER Man is made or unmade by himself. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts. "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he." "All that we achieve and all that we fail to achieve is the direct result of our own thoughts." ACTION is the blossom of thought "He that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened"; for only by patience, practice, and ceaseless importunity can a man enter the Door of the Temple of Knowledge."
# Chapter Two:
THE EFFECT OF THOUGHT ON CIRCUMSTANCES A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind. Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits which he requires, so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection the flowers and fruits of right, useful, and pure thoughts, By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master gardener of his soul, the director of his life. Thought and character are one. Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results. Bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results “You will be what you will to be; Let failure find its false content In that poor word, "environment, " But spirit scorns it, and is free. It masters time, it conquers space; It cows that boastful trickster, Chance, And bids the tyrant Circumstance Uncrown, and fill a servant's place. The human Will, that force unseen, The offspring of a deathless Soul, Can hew a way to any goal, Though walls of granite intervene. Be not impatient in delay, But wait as one who understands; When spirit rises and commands, The gods are ready to obey.”
# Chapter Three:
THE EFFECT OF THOUGHT ON HEALTH AND THE BODY The body is the servant of the mind It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay; at the command of glad and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty. Disease and health, like circumstances, are rooted in thought.
# Chapter Four:
THOUGHT AND PURPOSE Until thought is linked with PURPOSE there is no intelligent accomplishment. With the majority the bark of thought is allowed to "drift" upon the ocean of life. Aimlessness is a vice, and such drifting must not continue for him who would steer clear of catastrophe and destruction. They who have no central purpose in their life fall an easy prey to worries, fears, troubles, and self-pityings, all of which are indications of weakness, which lead, just as surely as deliberately planned sins (though by a different route), to failure, unhappiness, and loss, for weakness cannot persist in a power-evolving universe. The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth - that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will at once begin to exert itself, and adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong. Purpose, energy, power to do, and all strong thoughts cease when doubt and fear creep in.
# Chapter Five:
THE THOUGHT FACTOR IN ACHIEVEMENT A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up his thoughts. He can only remain weak, and abject, and miserable by refusing to lift up his thoughts, thoughts which he CHOOSES. All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.
# Chapter Six:
VISIONS AND IDEALS Columbus cherished a vision of another world, and he discovered it. Copernicus fostered the vision of a multiplicity of worlds and a wider universe, and he revealed it. Buddha beheld the vision of a spiritual world of stainless beauty and perfect peace, and he entered into it. "He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it." "Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart. Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become." They do not see the trials and failures and struggles which these men have voluntarily encountered in order to gain their experience. They have no knowledge of the sacrifices they have made, of the undaunted efforts they have put forth, of the faith they have exercised, that they might overcome the apparently insurmountable, and realize the Vision of their heart. They do not know the darkness and the heartaches; they only see the light and joy, and call it "luck"; do not see the long and arduous journey, but only behold the pleasant goal, and call it "good fortune"; do not understand the process, but only perceive the result, and call it "chance."
# Chapter Seven:
SERENITY The calm man, having learned how to govern himself, knows how to adapt himself to others; and they, in turn, reverence his spiritual strength, and feel that they can learn of him and rely upon him. The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. That exquisite poise of character which we call serenity is the flowering of life, the fruitage of the soul. It is precious as wisdom, more to be desired than even fine gold.. How insignificant mere money-seeking looks in comparison with a serene life - a life that dwells in the ocean of Truth, beneath the waves, beyond the reach of tempests, in the Eternal Calm! Say unto your heart, "Peace, be still!" Think good healthy positive thoughts Do good Get good. Submitted and shared by "do gooder" Craig Lock ("Information and Inspiration Distributor, Incorrigible Encourager and People-builder" ) "Man is mind and evermore he takes the tool of thought and, shaping what he wills, brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills. He thinks in secret and it comes to pass - Environment is but his looking glass." - anon Thanks so much for sharing, dad "The definition of success: To laugh much; to win respect of intelligent persons and the affections of children; to earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give one's self; to leave the world a little better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition.; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm, and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived... this is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson???? The Special Person You Were Meant to Be "If you can value truth above approval, and friendship over power, wealth, or fame, If you can share your gifts wisely, leaving someone better off than when you came, If you find happiness, simple pleasures, and see the rainbow, not the falling rain , If you have faith to keep on believing in miracles that no one can explain, If you live every day to your potential and find the goal in everything you see, Then you'll be, not just happy and successful, but the person only you were meant to be." - anon "Dare To Believe... That you are a wonderful unique person. That you are a once-in-all- history event. That it's more than a right, it's your duty, to be who you are. That life is not a problem to solve, but a gift to cherish, and you'll be able to stay one up on what used to get you down. " - Author Unknown "Be all that you are capable of being" "I believe that God creates us with different gifts; so that in life's journey each one of us, experiences challenges, things that give us joy and using our gifts allow us to bless the world around us."

About the author: Craig has been learning and studying the 'workings' of the human mind, the 'last unexplored continent', for much of his life. He believes in sharing information, insights and 'principles' to help and especially encourage people to make the most of their minds along life's magical journey ... and that brings him the greatest joy.
http://www.selfgrow craig_lock. html
http://www.craigloc The various books that "Craig felt inspired to write" are available at: http://www.myspace. com/writercraig craiglock
http://www2. writernz/
"He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it." "Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart. Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become."

10 Patriotic Quotes to Celebrate Flag Day

Author: Noel Jameson
Email: noeljameson (@)

Why is June the perfect month for patriotic quotes? BecauseFlag Day falls on June 14th of course! Flag Day was first celebrated in 1877, commemorating the adoption of the United States flag back in 1777. A one-hundred- year anniversary, so to speak. This Flag Day let's show our patriotic pride with these ten patriotic quotes celebrating and honoring the American Flag.

1. "Our flag honors those who have fought to protect it,and is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation's foundersand heroes. As the ultimate icon of America's storiedhistory, the Stars and Stripes represents the very best ofthis nation." ~ Joe Barton

2. "We do not consecrate the flag by punishing itsdesecration, for in doing so, we dilute the freedom thischerished emblem represents." ~ William J. Brennan

3. "Our flag is not just one of many political points ofview. Rather, the flag is a symbol of our national unity."~ Adrian Cronauer

4. "We have room for but one flag, the American flag, andthis excludes the red flag which symbolizes all warsagainst liberty and civilization just as much as itexcludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we arehostile. We have room for but one language here and that isthe English language, for we intend to see that thecrucible turns our people out as Americans, of Americannationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boardinghouse; and we have room for but one, sole loyalty, and thatloyalty is to the American people." ~ Theodore Roosevelt

5. "If anyone, then, asks me the meaning of our flag, I sayto him - it means just what Concord and Lexington meant;what Bunker Hill meant; which was, in short, the rising upof a valiant young people against an old tyranny toestablish the most momentous doctrine that the world hadever known - the right of men to their own selves and totheir liberties." ~Henry Ward Beecher

6. "That piece of red, white and blue bunting means fivethousand years of struggle upwards. It is the full-grownflower of ages of fighting for liberty. It is the centuryplant of human hope in bloom." ~ Alvin Owsley

7. "We take the stars from heaven, the red from our mothercountry, separating it by white stripes, thus showing thatwe have separated from her, and the white stripes shall godown to posterity, representing our liberty." ~ GeorgeWashington

8. "Our flag means all that our fathers meant in theRevolutionary War. It means all that the Declaration ofIndependence meant. It means justice. It means liberty. It means happiness... . Every color means liberty. Everythread means liberty. Every star and stripe meansliberty." ~ Henry Ward Beecher

9. "The flag of the United States has not been created byrhetorical sentences in declarations of independence and inbills of rights. It has been created by the experience ofa great people, and nothing is written upon it that has notbeen written by their life. It is the embodiment, not of asentiment, but of a history." ~ Woodrow Wilson

10. "I have seen the glories of art and architecture, andmountain and river; I have seen the sunset on the Jungfrau,and the full moon rise over Mont Blanc; but the fairestvision on which these eyes ever looked was the flag of mycountry in a foreign land. Beautiful as a flower to thosewho hate it, terrible as a meteor to those who hate it, itis the symbol of the power and glory, and the honor, offifty million Americans." ~ George Frisbie Hoar

So remember, it's not just a piece of cloth - it's a symbolof challenge, victory, freedom and pride. It's a reminder of what those who went before us had to do to guarantee our freedoms. The American Flag is, and always will be, one of the most significant symbols of all time. Let's remember that on this Flag Day as we reflect on these ten patriotic quotes.

About the Author:For more patriotic quotes, check out the popular patriotic quotes section of Famous-Quotes- And-Quotations. com, a website that specializes in 'Top 10' lists of quotations in dozens of categories.http://www.famous- quotes-and- quotations. com/patriotic- quotes.html

Peter Brooks Publications.

This article originally appeared in the Peter Brooks Advertiser on November 7th, 2004.
© 2004 Peter Brooks Publications

Tilly Rivers: Sex Goddess

Derek Downsland, Manhattan, NY

In the entertainment business you rarely see the "real thing", especially when you have been dubbed with the name "Sex Goddess". I will admit that after reading Tilly Rivers’ stories of sexual lure I wanted to meet her. See the face and the real personality behind the fantasies. Find out for myself what was drawing crowds in the hottest NY clubs of over five hundred males. I went with a chip on my shoulder thinking that I would once again discover that the smoke and mirrors was hype and walk away disappointed.

I was very wrong. I set up a private interview with Tilly only hours before yet another of her whirlwind rammed events. When she walked into the room in a short skirt showing miles of heavenly legs, a sassy black leather jacket and a blouse that was showing a nice chunk of cleavage I smiled and thought, well at least she dresses like a sex goddess.

When I looked up from my chair, before me was the face of angel, the body of a bad girl, and eyes of pure sin.

I held tight to my skeptical attitude. Hot chicks were a dime a dozen. But the reality was I was sinking fast and I knew it. This chick, Miss Tilly Rivers, smelled of sex like the most expensive perfume. When she spoke, looked me directly in the eye and giggled, yes I swear a real genuine honest to goodness giggle, I knew that the woman behind the fantasies was truly the "Sex Goddess".

Her personality was open, refreshing and her intelligence surprised me. She spoke little of her family, when ever I asked a question that she was not prepared to answer she would just smile and wink with a sassy look and eyes that filled with fire, words however never passed her lips. Silence.

It did not take me long to understand that she protected her family and that she was not going to answer. It did not take me long either, to respect that right to privacy and like her even more for the loyalty she express to her family and friends.

She spoke openly and honestly about her career, that yes most of her stories were based on actually events, and she loved sex, hated narrow minded views on the subject and would continue to write her novels no matter how many groups tried to ban her explicit creations.
She invited me to come to the club with her that night and I jumped at the chance to view her in action.

Tilly Rivers was, is, the sex goddess, the woman of fantasy in her stories, she is what men dream of. Her words crawled inside me, stayed with me.

Watching her in action was amazing. She interacted with the crowd, danced, signed anything from a napkin to a bar coaster to her novel. At one point, I think she even signed a few flashes of flesh.

If I thought she could write, her dancing was almost, if not tied in the sensual, make you crazy, category.

When one of her fans placed a chair in the middle of the floor and dared her to dance on it, not only did she take him up on the dare; her performance brought them to her knees worshipping the goddess of sex that she was.

Tilly Rivers, hats off to you…you are the real thing…I love your prose, your attitude and you girl not only are the "Sex Goddess" but the best erotica queen of ink I have ever had the privilege to read and interview.

Reprinted with permission from Peter Brooks Publications Inc

Finding Love in Our fast paced World. The Law of Attraction.

Author: Ariole K Alei
Email: ariole (@ ) veraxis. net

Finding true love is one of the most fundamental needs of ahuman being. We all need water, food, clothing and shelter. And we all need love.

Our current world is increasingly isolating. Fewer and fewer of us know our neighbors. More and more of us work behind computer screens - and even play behind them. How do we find love?The more we become, as individuals, increasingly interested in 'things holistic', the less likely we are to meet significant friends and our soul mate through traditional avenues such as bars, sporting events and loud, noisy socials.

So how do we find love? If we're lucky, our perfect match is a good friend of someone we already know. And that someone we already know is keenly attuned to their intuition, such that they perceive a natural connection between us and their goodfriend. And they take action on their intuitive sense -and set up a meeting between us. And we both trust ourselves and have courage - and we agree to meet.

How often does this happen in our current society? So many of us have virtually paved over our intuition and oursensitivity to subtle energy 'signals'. We live in a 'gross energy' world, relying on things that have already happened to be our 'truth'. So how do we find love? We bite into the new ways of this world. We allow someone who has dedicated themselves to linking us with other mature, sensitive, 'green singles' - people who are interested in the values and ideals that we hold dear.

Online Dating - How Times Have Changed! Online dating sprung into being in the late 1990's. With the advent of the worldwide web and its brilliance inenabling us to connect with like-minded souls around the entire globe, it was an obvious tool - ripe and ready foruse in finding love. Web dating allows incredible privacy - superb for people who are typically shy when it comes to finding love. Without disclosing anything about yourself that you choose to reveal only once you've gotten to know someone sufficiently well for your liking, you are completely in charge of the pace by which you meet singles.

You can zip faster than you would 'live, face-to-face' , as online dating systems offer a sense of protection from being exposed. Or you can slow things down, taking time as you end brief emails, winks and smiles to your prospective partner via the site's instant messaging, forums and chatrooms. It's all up to you. You choose.

You're in charge. What a relief! You can even explore a more empowered sense of yourselft hrough choosing a User Name other than your first name -the one given to you at birth. If you've felt yourselfglowing like sunshine, you can call yourself 'Sunshine'. If you love hiking in forests, you can call yourself 'Forest Hiker'. If you're a vegan interested in astrology,you can call yourself 'Vegan Astrologer'. It's all up to you. You decide how you want to present yourself to theworld - and to your prospective new friends and perfect match.

You can share things that are dear to your heart through communication on the site in ways that may not come up in face-to-face conversations. You can go as deep as you like in your presentation of yourself - or skim the surface for awhile. It's all up to you. You choose. You're in charge. What a relief! Green Singles - a New Wave of LoveWith the proliferation of web sites offering online dating as a way to meet your soul mate, a gap soon became evident.

Many of the people seeking love via the web are actually seeking sex. Online dating, for many, has become a world wide access to personals focused on the bare minimum of what intimate encounter with another human being can offer - sex.

There is so much more to a relationship than this. Sex is a crucial aspect of how we connect deeply withourselves and with our partner. Yet a relationship which is based solely on sex becomes swiftly dissatisfying to many people. Here's where 'green singles' come in. A small handful ofweb dating sites have been designed specifically forSingles interested in ecology, spirituality, soulful relationships, nutrition, holistic health, global peace, awakening human consciousness and more.

This small handful is unique in that they're all about assisting you to swiftly find your perfect match - and great new friends - near your current home and around the world.It's about you meeting the right people for you - people who enrich your life, make you laugh and relax, connect you to a deeper sense of who you are and to the tremendous meaning and value of your life. Law of Attraction - Magnetize Your Perfect Match! 'Green Singles' sites are more apt to teach - and model -the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is so incredibly powerful. It's not just about 'thinking about' who you want to meetas your perfect match. It's about becoming the parallelenergy of that person. Here's the key: When you become what you want, you receive it. We're talking energy - subtle energy - vibration. Vibration is what the Law of Attraction is based on.

You magnetically attract to you the things, people, events andopportunities that match your vibration.This is the 'science' of the Law of Attraction. I once had the pleasure of hearing Len George, a son of the famous Chief Dan George, speak. He said, "When I became the man I wanted to marry … I met my wife." That's it, in a nutshell. That's the Law of Attraction in action.

When you are able to clarify who you want to be in your relationship; how you want to feel; what kind of outlookyou want to have on yourself, life and the world around you through being in that relationship - then you begin to moveyourself into the energy field of being that relationship.You literally become it, energetically. And as you become it, you effortlessly attract it to you.This is the essence of more holistic approaches to webdating - the opportunity for you to easily, effortlessly meet 'law of attraction singles' - other people like you who are interested in attracting the best, most meaningful, most respectful and empowering heart-centred relationshippossible.
Carpe diem! Seize the day! Why hide?

Step out and meet someone new - today.

About the Author: Ariole K. Alei is an International Speaker, Teacher, Coach, Healer and Author of 6 books. She is the Co-Founder, with her husband Colin Hillstrom, of HeartSong Solutions - Life and Relationship Training - and Heart Song Matchmaking -"the world's first holistic meeting site for spiritually and ecologically minded singles". She leads frequent TeleClasses on a variety of topics.
http://www.HeartSon gMatchmaking. com
http://www.HeartSon gSolutions. ca

Staying Motivated in Your Home Based Business

Author: Diana Ennen
Email: diana (@)virtualwordpu blishing. com.

Staying motivated can be a difficult task in starting and running your home-based business. There are times that things happen and your self-confidence plummets. You find yourself doubting your decision to start a business in the first place.

Here's are some steps to keep your power:

First, don't sit ideally by waiting for the phone to ring. Keep busy creating new marketing ideas. Create a marketing plan and find ways to market that will specifically target your target audience. It's also very important to know who your target audience is. Consider who would benefit most with your services.Think outside the box too. What services can you offer that is different and unique and can help your clients succeed in their business. Be creative. Energize yourself with the creation of adynamite brochure. Design a new mailing piece that conveys exactly the benefits you can offer your clients. Re-read that marketing letter you just sent and fine-tune it. Look over your website. How can you approve upon it to better convey the benefits of your business?

Search for new places that you can promote your business. Spending time online doing research is important for establishing your business. Make new connections with other entrepreneurs and organizations. Find places to exchange links and add your articles. Don't be shy. You should be very confident in your abilities and eager to share that with others.

Read, read, read. Learn anything and everything you can onstarting a business. Let others show you how they've done it. Take full advantage of the Internet as well. Find chats and message boards and talk with others. Find out how they have achieved success.

Start fresh daily with a renewed determination that you are going to make this work. Visualize yourself addressing that new client with your new leather briefcase in hand, portfolio neatly prepared, and the confidence that you can make a difference in their business. They need you and you're going to show them exactly just how much.

Finally,you need to believe in yourself under all circumstances. Write down why you know this business is going to work. Write down again how you plan to make it happen.

With the right attitude, appropriate skills, extensive research, and sheer determination, you can and will succeed. That phone will ring -- and ring -- and ring. And with each ring, you'll be grateful that you believed in yourself enough to make it happen.

About the Author: Diana Ennen, Author; Virtual Assistant the Series, Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA, and Corel Word Perfect Office Ready Virtual Assistant Solution Pack( . She's the president of Virtual WordPublishing,
http://www.virtualw ordpublishing. com , offering publicity and book marketing.

Sharing Some Miscellaneous Writing Thoughts

Author:Craig Lock
Email: clock (@ )

Sharing some Miscellaneous Writing Thoughts (from Online Writing Course - Updated)

"They say that if enough chimpanzees were put in front of enough word processors for enough time, eventually one of them would write Hamlet."

Writers share their points of view, their unique perspectives of the world and are in a fortunate position to enable readers to view the world differently. "The prime ingredient of journalism is not intelligence, but curiosity."

"When you look into a mirror, you do not see your reflection - your reflection sees you."- anonymous

"I write because something inside myself, inner and unconscious forces me to." That is the first compulsion. The second is one of ethical and moral duty. I feel responsible to tell stories that inspire readers to consider more deeply who they are." I believe writers through their 'unique vantage point' and by using the power of words in their communications can help offer the reader another perspective on the journey of life - so that people may CHOOSE to view the world and their unfolding lives through a different lens. (A metaphor, btw!).

Some years back I developed a mission statement for mywork and life that has really helped me to focus on what I want to accomplish with my writing and in a broader perspective, with my life's journey..."My writing mission is to inform, illuminate, uplift, delight, encourage and hopefully even inspire people around the globe through the power of words, so that they can fulfill their individual potentials and lead fruitful and happy lives."

"The activities that have given me the most personal fulfillment, and through which I achieve a feeling of 'calling or purpose', come about when I share my knowledge, life experiences, ideas and insights with others. I hope to be able to achieve that through my "passion" for words in the form of the various books I've written. "

"I truly want to let the light shine through my words to impact and help inspire people throughout our(sometimes happy and sometimes dark and sad, yet alwaysbeautiful and magical) world."

*Here are some writing tips based on my path, that I'll pass on (don't end a sentence with a "preppie" - bad grammar, Craig!)...I never thought of writing as a career. It's pretty lonesome being a writer, especially for a "people-person" , like me - well, it's meant to be the world's most solitary occupation!Here are a few suggestions. ..THINK about your work and write for your target reader - your job is to entice the reader. So let your writing be accurate, brief, concise, clear and simple with short sentences. This makes it easier for your reader...and after all, reading is a very cerebral activity that demands high levels of concentration. For me at least! Nice long word that 'cerebral'. No, it's not a breakfast cereal.

When you stop, writing leave a note how you intend to restart: either a note on the subject or the words you want to use. However, don't stop writing if your words are flowing. When you're going well and have got your momentum, it much easier keeping going.I start work early in the morning: about 7:30 these days, when I'm fresh. I work for about three hours, then go on a long walk for exercise. It breaks the monotony of the day and refreshes me.

I get inspiration as I walk along alone. Many ideas shoot into my head and I have to turn back before I forget them. Next time I'm bring a small "dick"-ta-phone with me. What will the people on the beach say? Change the tone "sonny boy"! I contemplate our lives: where we are going and so on. Who cares? Usually I turn back in total shock!Horrors!Use plain, simple language and be brief with short words and sentences. So said the great American writer Mark Twain.

Another great American writer, Ernest Hemingway said these wise words: Use short sentences and paragraphs, use vigorous language, be positive...and not negative.""I write because something inside myself, inner and unconscious forces me to."

That is the first compulsion. The second is one of ethical and moral duty. I feel responsible to tell stories that inspire readers to consider more deeply who they are."Having consulted a manual on suicide, a Taiwanese novelist whose works had been rejected smashed up six luxury cars yesterday, hoping their owners would kill him. They obliged and beat him to a pulp but police intervened."

You really don't have to go to that kind of extreme!

To end off...For me personally, the greatest satisfaction in my writing has been in achieving something that I have wanted to do for years (without knowing it, that is).

"Whatever you do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it".

The great German philosopher and writer Johan Wolfgang von Goethe said those wise words. And this begs the question, "poor beggar": Are all writer philosophers. Yes, I suppose they are in a we are "observers and reporters on life".... and writing, I believe, is an exciting journey of self discovery and personal growth.

Craig Lock (Eagle Productions Books)* luck as 'they' say, is when preparedness meets opportunity.

About the submitter: Craig, through his writings, loves to encourage and empower people to be the best they can possibly be, and to create what they want in life. He believes in sharing information and insights to make a difference in this world: to help and especially encourage people along life's magical journey...and that brings him the greatest joy.
http://www.selfgrow craig_lock. html
http://www.myspace. com/writercraig
--All proceeds go to needy and underprivileged children - MINE!* which is sometimes defined as where 'preparedness meets opportunity'"It took me 15 years to find out that I had no talent for writing, but by then I couldn't give it up, because by then I was too famous to give up."- Robert Benchley"

The world would have you agree with its dismal dream of limitation. But the light would have you soar like the eagle of your sacred visions."- Alan Cohen 'Write RIte and be Published': All that I Know about Writing, How to Write Creatively.
This e-book is available via email: clock (@)paradise.

"They say that if enough chimpanzees were put in front of enough word processors for enough time, eventually one of them would write Hamlet."

We All Requirw Whole Food Every Day of Our Lives!

Author: Chuck Arnone
Email: arn1 (@)

Whole Food Nutrition Every Day of Our Lives!

Whole food nutrition should be as close as possible to what nature intended. You will quickly see how this information relates to whole food nutrition. The power of fruits and vegetables goes well beyond a balanced diet.

To clarify the difference between whole foods and processed foods, and whole food nutritional supplements versus the average,adulterated, isolated, synthetic supplements, let's"dissect" whole, unrefined grains.

Whole, unrefined grainscontain three main parts: the germ - or sprouting part ofthe grain; the endosperm-containing starch to support the young sprout during its early stages; and the bran - the protective layer encasing the sprout and its endosperm.

Herein lies the beauty of whole food nutritional supplements.Refined, processed, low fiber foods, animal fats, a lack of exercise and an ever-increasing level of stress all contribute to our current gastrointestinal health crisis. Digestive system and colon health have reached an-all-timelow in the United States. We also offer information that can help make sense of food labels and allow families enjoy healthy eating on a busy schedule. Some publications and classes are available in Spanish. It's usually the "foodstuffs" that are man made or processed to provide extra kick that set you up for a crash, poor health and loweredperformance.

This thought process also applies to your pet! A pet's diet, the biggest health variable controlled by its owner, is crucial to its well-being. That's why selecting a tastyand healthy pet food is the most loving choice you can makefor your pet. The human body-field can be considered as aroad map, but instead of directing "people on theirj ourney", it directs "information around the body to governand coordinate healthy activity". The human body-field isin essence, a dynamic, self-regulating, intelligent,energetic information control mechanism.

Natural and artificial flavors are also often groupedtogether under one name, and manufacturers aren't requiredto disclose what "artificial flavors" really means. Theexception here is a new ruling by the FDA, to begin January1, 2006, that states any food containing a "major foodallergen" must have it listed on the label (whether or notits part of flavoring or incidental additives). Not all fats are bad and, in fact, some should be required in any diet. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found infoods such as nuts, avocados, fish, olives, and most oilshelp lower 'bad' cholesterol levels without affecting'good' cholesterol levels.

We are sharing information we believe in and feel it is not commonly found in mainstream media. As a nutrition researcher, I have known for quite some time about the numerous ill effects of too many simple sugars in our diet. Table sugar is made up of glucose and fructose, and the average American eats over 2 pounds of this health robbing ingredient! Charles Elson, researcher at the University ofWisconsin, studies on individual supplements has been inconclusive at best.

The fish oil supplements you choose should have a highconcentration of EPA and DHA for quality as well as being ultra refined to ensure it purity. The way to tell thedifference is rather simple: A whole food is just that - a food like a carrot, beet, celery or potato flour, forinstance. Isolates are stated on the label by theirchemical names, such as vitamin A palmitate, mixedtocopherols, ascorbic acid. pyridoxine, niacin and niacinamide. Refined wheat flour, fairly high in gluten,sometimes with up to 80% of the wheat germ restored andthis is naturally aged to strengthen gluten.

Did you know that saturated fat is the preferred food for the heart? Drugs do not fix the problem. These include heart attack, stroke and related disorders. The newest adult statistics on heart disease and cancer, are that 37%of us can look forward to dying of heart disease andanother 25% of us can look forward to dying of cancer. If that isn't sobering enough, another 4% of us can look forward to dying from complications from prescription drugsthat we are told will make us better. All the more reason to have a regimen including liquid vitamins that are equal to whole food nutrition!

About the Author: Another fine article by Chuck Arnone in regards to our dayto day health and your immune system.
http://www.immune- system-healthy. com
http://www.provitam inliquid. com

Review: savvy dining and euro bar

Tilly Rivers
Food Critic: Immediate Release Media
“For Immediate Release”

May 23, 2008

Review: savvy dining & euro bar
Location: 219 Queens Ave, London Ontario, Canada
Phone: 519-438-1114

Review Rating: 5 Stars!

When Dave Paterson and I stopped for lunch at the new restaurant “Savvy” in London Ontario, I was immediately impressed with the warm welcome, at the time we did not realize that our escort “Dave” was also the co-owner.

Savvy has only been open for 11 weeks, and co-owners Dave and Chef Michelle have certainly turned what was once an old pub into a wonderful dining experience. Mr. Paterson ordered the house salad and butternut squash soup, while I had the butternut squash soup and Monte Cristo sandwich. Our beverage of choice was coffee.

For coffee snubs like me- savvy is worth the visit to grab a great cup of coffee- their large mugs are great to hold and the full bodied flavour of the beverage put an immediate smile on both our lips. Finally- a restaurant that pays attention to all the details!

The salad was fresh, crisp and tasty, served with choice of dressings- Paterson choose the house- the sandwich was thick in calorie sin melted Swiss cheese, stuffed with turkey and ham and fried lightly golden brown- but for both Dave and I however- the best part of the meal was the soup.

The butternut squash soup was one of the best I have ever tasted!

Savvy offers both lunch and dinner menus and a full wine list. Apps are priced between 8 and 12 $- and dinner entrees run between 17 and 36 $- very reasonable priced for the quality of food prepared by the chef.

This restaurant would appeal to the 30 + crowd- the staff, food, serve and atmosphere here are a delight- I know I will be back- and I highly recommend “savvy” if ever you are in the city of London!

For Immediate Release
Immediate Release Media
Maud Rivers
for_immediaterelease (@)

Author Tilly Rivers is Immediate Release Media’s New Dining Out Food Critic.

Having an author and radio host as the food critic might not be so crazy after all!

(NY)- May 23, 2008- Tilly Rivers just may be a new breed of restaurant critic, a maverick whose face will accompany her weekly reviews, launching today.

“When I first thought of approaching Rivers with the idea of being the food critic for Immediate Release Media” says Senior Editor, Maud Rivers, “My first reaction was that everyone would think that we are related- the surname is completely coincidental, the second thought was that everyone would think I was crazy.”

“I am obviously trying to do something fresh and interesting," says Maud Rivers, the brains behind the new Media hub Immediate Release Media- the popular press release blog of book, music and food reviews, chef profiles and business and entertainment news.

“Tilly penned a wonderful mixture of food and pleasure in her release of Erotica Cafe- not to mention she is internationally known. Her author rank has reached celebrity status- and New Yorkers hold a soft spot for her as this is where her career really took off. In the words of Malcolm Gladwell’s “Tipping Point”- a #1 National Bestseller- “What makes someone a Connector? The first- and most obvious criterion is that Connectors know lots of people.” ”
Tilly is putting her face alongside her reviews, which are based on her own personal rating scale of one to five stars- and will be posted on every Thursday beginning today.

“I love food” says Tilly Rivers, “ I am not sure what qualifies one as an avid foodie- but I certainly know bad food when it hits my taste buds. The choice to have a photo along the review is going to be fun. I really do not think that critics in general should dine incognito-after all a restaurant is not going to bring in a celebrity chef or whip up a fresh menu just because a critic has come to eat at their establishment.”

Maud adds “If she receives preferential service- I am confident that Tilly will write about that as well- the rules are that she doesn’t make reservations under her own name or announce herself upon arrival.

“I am just like you.” Says Tilly, “If I am going for a light lunch- or a full course dinner, I want the same things everyone does- good food, good service, and good atmosphere.”

Tilly will be focusing on restaurants in her own back yard- and throughout Ontario- until she is on tour in the fall/winter of 08 with her new book release- at that point she will continue to add her food reviews as she travels across Canada and the USA.
The Côtes du Rhône Wine Region Of France

By : Donald Saunders

The relatively constant sun combines with granitic soil in the north of the region and the limestone soil in the south of the region to produce Grenache, Syrah and Carignan grapes used in red wines and Grenache Blanc, Clairette and Ugni Blanc for whites.

The Grenache is the dominant grape with more than half of the total red wine grapes grown while the Clairette makes up 35 percent of the white wine grapes grown. Overall about 8,000 to 10,000 winemakers produce some 450 million bottles of wine on a huge 170,000 acres of land of which three-quarters is given over to the fruity reds of Choteauneuf du Pape in the south and the full-bodied Cote Rotie in the north.

The village of Chartreuse de Valbonne enjoys a very different climate from that of the surrounding Mediterranean. Sheltered by forest atop horseshoe-shaped hills there are a huge number of terraces composed of stony chalk and limestone. Some wine barrels from this area date clear back to the thirteenth century and the area around the village is home to plum Grenache noir, Viognier and spicy Syrah grapes with aromas of acacia honey and violet.

Considered among the best Cotes du Rhone villages are Cairanne and Rasteau with Rasteau's tannic Domaine du Trapadis being preferred by those seeking a zesty wine and Cairanne's softer Domaine Catherine Le Goeuil being appreciated by those people who are a bit more easy going.

From the Cotes du Rhone villages stony limestone and clay earth come the Syrah and Grenache grapes that are turned into approximately 19,000,000 bottles of medium-bodied fruity red wines.

The history of Gigondas wine traces back to the Roman Empire and good advantage is taken nowadays of the red clay soil and Mediterranean weather to produce an fragrant alternative to the costly Choteauneuf du Pape. On roughly 3,000 acres vintners grow the Grenache, Mourvodre and Syrah grapes that go to make 5,500,000 bottles of this fine wine.

For those whose tongue requires a little shock of pleasure there is the Vignobles Darriaud's Grenache Syrah which is a full-bodied red wine with earthy and plumy aromas and with chocolate tones that mix with a peppery finish after the wine has been allowed to age for approximately 3 or 4 years.

Before leaving the Cotes du Rhone, we must take a look at the slopes of Choteauneuf du Pape which lie between Orange and Avignon and which were once summer home of numerous Popes. The wine is thick and richly colored by the Syrah, Grenache, Clairette and some ten other grape varieties. On about 7,600 acres of sandy red clay and quartz soil grow the vines that produce 13 million bottles of wine that can age for up to 20 years with aromas of red fruits, cinnamon and vanilla.

Author Resource:- provides information on everything from gift baskets wine country to Côtes du Rhône wineries
Austin Entertainment Profiles : Red River Clubs
By :Ki Gray

The vast majority of true rock and roll and blues artists have grown up and lived on the poor side of town. Today, the same rings true, as many of Austin's local musicians can be found just east of IH-35, where the streets are a little tougher and the rent a little easier to pay. It makes sense that several live music venues are found on Red River Street, where downtown Austin and East Austin converge, just one block west of the interstate.

Though live music clubs can be found sprinkled around town, Red River hosts eight of them within a few block stretch. The music genres vary slightly on Red River with Rock, and its offshoots, as the primary focus. As opposed to the dueling piano players or slew of cover bands normally found on 6th street, the bands playing on Red River are playing all original music, and hoping to find enough fans to build up a following and gain some recognition, since the money they will take home is usually based on the number of people coming through the door.

Clubs such as Headhunters and Room 710 draw a hard rock audience that can be filled with tough punks and fans from the local roller derby teams. Club Deville and Mohawk both have fantastic outside stages with limestone cliffs jutting out from behind the stage, and dark as pitch seating areas inside for relaxing between sets. Randall and Donya Stockton opened their Red River club Beerland after their old club, Bates Motel, burned down on 6th Street. The Stocktons offer opportunities to up-and-coming bands looking to play their first show, as they have live music six nights a week, with several live acts a night. Gearing more towards a garage rock crowd, Beerland books national and touring acts, as well as local favorites, with a cover charge rarely exceeding five dollars. Emo's is probably the most well known and longest lasting club, situated on the corner of Red River and 6th Street.

When the club opened in the early 90s, there was no cover for those 21 and up, and a one dollar cover for minors. Today, they still offer admission to all ages, and have grown larger, now with an indoor stage for smaller shows, and a larger outdoor stage for better known acts. Most recently, they have opened the Emo's Lounge, and can have three live shows playing simultaneously.

During the South By Southwest Music Festival of 1994, Emo's had a surprise guest appearance by Johnny Cash, which is still one of the most talked about club performances in town. Recently Austin-based independent concert promotion company C3 Presents took over national booking duties for Emo's, already doing so for Stubbs BBQ, the club located north on Red River. C3, best known for booking the largely popular Austin City Limits Festival in September, vows to not raise prices at the door, though the days of a two dollar cover are long gone. However, as a treat to Austin's music loving public, Emo's still offers "Free Week" the first week of every new year, and keeps Red River's music community going strong.

Author Resource:- Living in Austin Texas Ki runs a realty company focused on Austin real estate. He runs an Austin real estate blog along with a search of the Austin MLS.
Where's the Expiration Date?
By Debra Vaughn

To find a healthy marriage of 50 or more years these days is to saythe least rare. To find a marriage of 10 or more years is just asrare. The sad fact is that when people say those famous words, "I do"what they really mean is "I do, as long as..."Not only is divorce a heavy financial burden, it is also an extremeburden on the family. Half of all marriages end in divorce (aconservative estimate.) Divorce has become a ritual in today's world.Society has normalized it, made it become an everyday, "no big deal"event. Families are torn apart, children are devastated, theestranged couple is often left wondering what happened.

So what can we as a society do to prevent it? How about going intomarriage with the simple words I do, not I do as long as. There isnothing that cannot be overcome, as long as the marriage is not anabusive one.

Next, have you tried marriage counseling yet? Most people never trycounseling because they don't want to try to really save theirmarriage or they don't want anyone to know there is a problem. Thesurprising fact is that counseling does work. It gives people anenvironment where they can say exactly what the problem is and howthey really feel. An added fact is that more and more states arerequiring marriage counseling before a divorce may be granted.Third, have you tried dating? Get to know each other all over again.

People change over time, get to know the changes you and your partnerhave gone through and learn to love them, just as you did before youwere married.My father jokes often that he is still looking for the expirationdate on their marriage license. He is still looking for it 26 yearslater. They have learned to love the little quirks that each of themhas developed and deal with the ones that are not so becoming. Ifmore people could do this, do you think that the rate of divorcewould diminish? We may never know, but isn't it worth a shot?
Debra Vaughn is a stay-at-home mother to 3 young girls. She is afreelance writer in her spare time. Debra Vaughn also edits and publishes The Family Budgeteer Bi-Weekly Online and Newsletter which can be found at or subscribe now bysending a blank email to: Familybudgeteer-subscribe (@)

Pierre Jury
Le Droit

"J'ai de la crème glacée pour vous !", ai-je lancé en arrivant dans la salle des nouvelles du quotidien LeDroit. Cela a été reçu dans l'indifférence générale. Pourtant, ce n'est pas tous les jours qu'on m'offre assez d'échantillons pour pouvoir les partager avec tout le monde."Ce sont des crèmes glacées avec de l'alcool dedans !"
Là, tous se sont levés d'un trait. Comme si j'avais dit un mot magique. En fait, oui, j'avais dit un mot magique : alcool. Même si les journalistes ne sont plus les ivrognes invétérés qu'on représentait à une époque, ils ne gaspillent pas une occasion de trinquer (responsablement, évidemment !)
J'ai aussitôt déposé sur une table une douzaine de petits contenants de dégustation et ils salivaient déjà qu'à la lecture des étiquettes. Le verdict a été unanime.Ces glaces - gelatos et sorbets, à vrai dire - se retrouvent depuis peu dans une assez longue liste de restaurants depuis quelques semaines. Il y a des endroits à la mode, comme Kinki, Merlot, et Empire Grill.Du côté du Québec, on les trouvera chez Saint-Estèphe et chez Georges.L'idée était simple mais il fallait y penser : joindre de l'alcool et des glaces. Cela a peut-être (sans doute ?) été réalisé dans le passé mais il fallait aussi bâtir un bon réseau de détaillants, pour que cela en vaille la peine, ainsi qu'un bon réseau de distribution car les produits glacés sont délicats. S'ils ont le malheur de fondre un peu, la texture crémeuse ne sera plus au rendez-vous. Il faut donc s'assurer d'une température égale tout au long de la chaîne de transport. (Cela explique pourquoi les glaces faites sur place dans certaines gelaterias, par exemple, sont si bonnes : elles ont toujours été conservées bien froides.)
La présente initiative de jumeler glaces et alcools est celle de Dave Paterson, un ancien joueur de baseball canadien dans l'organisation des Reds de Cincinnati."Plus jeune, je volais la bouteille de Bailey's de mon père et j'en versais sur ma crème glacée..."Bon départ. Aujourd'hui, il n'a en rien l'air d'un alcoolique mais s'est dit que si le goût l'avait accroché, que c'en accrocherait d'autres.

Une glace neutre

Il utilise ainsi une glace neutre, sans saveur, celle de Metropolitan Ice Cream, de Toronto. En fait, c'est Metropolitan qui fabrique les glaces aromatisées à l'alcool. Selon les recettes proposées par M. Paterson, parfois à la demande expresse de certains restaurants.Le produit est encore tout nouveau. "Depuis neuf mois", en fait. Et le réseau de distribution est encore en gestation. Outre les endroits déjà cités, vous pouvez trouver la glace alcoolisée aussi chez Stella Osteria, Courtyard Café, Bocado, Fiamma, Jazz'oo Café et L'Ange Café.Il est aussi possible de se procurer les glaces dans certains magasins : Luciano's et La Bottega Nicastro, à Ottawa, et chez Oh ! Petits plats français, à Gatineau. Le prix de vente suggéré pour le contenant de 500 ml est 9,99 $.
"Ce n'était pas notre intention de vendre nos glaces au détail, a raconté M. Paterson, lors d'un arrêt au quotidien LeDroit, vendredi. Nous ne voulions l'offrir qu'à des restaurants mais la réponse des consommateurs a été extrêmement bonne."À cet effet, je dois dire que le marché de la région d'Ottawa me semble plus créatif, plus ouvert et plus imaginatif qu'ailleurs en Ontario. Des chefs d'ici proposent des idées que je porte ailleurs dans la province, comme la glace au porto et aux figues, que nous proposons de servir avec des crêpes ou des fromages artisanaux !"La recette la plus originale, c'est une glace au concombre et au wasabi (le "raifort" japonais), servie dans une soupe froide au concombre...

À la mode

Les glaces sont à la mode ces temps-ci. Une nouvelle machine peu coûteuse - à 4000 $, le Pacojet n'est pas à la portée des particuliers mais pour les grands établissements, oui - permet de faire des glaces fraîches sur place. Cela explique en partie pourquoi les glaces font maintenant partie des accompagnements que l'on retrouve avec tous les desserts, aujourd'hui.Cela ne vient-il pas ruiner les efforts de M. Paterson et de ses glaces Frozen Vines ?"Pas vraiment parce que bien des pâtissiers ne sont pas intéressés à faire des glaces, croit-il. Ils préfèrent cuisiner des gâteaux et laisser à des sous-traitants comme nous le loisir d'innover avec les glaces."Et innover Frozen Vines le fait. Une fois quelques principaux vins expérimentés (merlot, cabernet, vin de glace, riesling), il y a aujourd'hui des glaces à la grappa, au Grand Marnier, au Jack Daniels, à la pina colada, à la Sambucca, au brandy, au champagne, à la Kahlua, au Schnapps, etc.Sans oublier la glace au Bailey's, évidemment.
Avec des livraisons spéciales chez Dave Paterson !
pjury (@)
Authors Name: Dr John Maher

Dr John Maher, American Board of Anti-Aging Health Professionals,
Ed., "Longevity News",

Cancer Preventing Super Foods

Although currently heart disease kills most of us, it seems in general we dread
cancer more. It is even sometimes called , "The Big C", and code worded by
doctors as "CA", apparently because we don’t even like to say or hear the word!
Interestingly, after of billions of dollars in research it appears that the quotes below,
credited to two famous men, were truly prophetic.

"Let your food be your medicine"- Hippocrates

"The doctor of the future….will interest his patients in diet, care of the human frame,
and in the prevention of disease." – Thomas Edison

In 1992, a scientist named Caragay developed a hierarchy of potential cancer
preventative foods. The National Cancer institute is currently investigating these foods,
specifically those at the top of the pyramid*, to further clarify the biological effect of
these foods on health and cancer prevention.

Licorice and Ginger
Soy, Carrots, Celery, Parsnips
Onions, Green Tea, Tumeric, Citrus
Whole Wheat, Flax Seed, and Brown Rice
Tomato, Egg Plant and Peppers (the Solanacea).
Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Brussel Spouts (the Cruciferae).
Oats, Mints, Oregano, Cucumber, Rosemary, Sage, and Potato.
Thyme, Chives, Cantaloupe, Basil, Tarragon, Barley and the Berries

*Foods are ranked in order of importance from top to bottom
These plants are rich in phytochemicals. Such plant chemicals are
"signaling molecules" plants use to communicate within themselves.

As an example, in grape seeds phytochemical antioxidant compounds
called polyphenols protect its DNA in dry or light intensive environments.

In berries, the carotenoids provide color to signal pollinators such as birds or insects.
There may be over 10,000 different phytochemicals that have biological
activity in humans.

There are over a dozen general classes, such as
carotenoids, coumarins, flavonoids, indoles, lignans and phenolic acids.

So although taking an iron free mega-multivitamin/mineral and extra antioxidants
is part of good anti-aging and longevity strategy, there is NO substitute for
including a generous amount of a variety of the above "Super Foods" in our diets.

This article is the opinion of the author- at no time has food been proven to cure any type of Cancer. ALWAYS seek your doctor's advice before trying any new treatments.
Cover: Created by Kara Elsberry. KarasDesigns (@)

Tilly Rivers Newest Work, Salacious Offers Readers an Insight to Themselves
Allan Guinn

Tilly Rivers is not just another attractive blonde in a sea of beautiful women. She’s an award-winning writer that focuses on our most basic wants and needs.
ON -- Tilly Rivers is not just another attractive blonde in a sea of beautiful women. She’s an award-winning writer who finds the way to focus you on your most basic wants and needs. Rain Publishing presented her work, Salacious in 2006- which quickly became a best seller.
A true maverick by her very nature, Tilly reaches out to her reader to help us find the secret garden of our heart and soul—the one where each of us go when we retreat into fantasies shared with no one else--and helps us to transform that spot into a destination for life and living.
Ms Rivers skills of tantalizing expressions of real life takes no prisoners in her writing, and—yes--the breathlessness reverberating around the world through her readers. Salacious, reaches new heights never before achieved in her previous offerings, but certainly has been duplicated with Wisteria Moon. Her skillfulness in weaving the storyline and developing an understanding of her characterizations is on display like never before. Her tales of fantasy touch the secret cravings within each of us so skillfully, so seamlessly, that her writing is seemingly blended into an impassioned flow of sensuality.
The 37 short stories in Salacious allow you to explore your deepest desires. If you crave the burn of passion through the eyes of others, and if your heart is up to the challenge, you have the opportunity to experience challenges never before known.
If you’ve had salacious moments, you will enjoy the stories that make this book a “must read.”
Order online through or request it through your favorite bookstore.