In The News

For Immediate Release
Maud Rivers, IRM Magazine

Launch of New Magazine

IRM will be no longer as of April 1 2009. But do not be sad; for the birth of “Main Street Mag” begins!

Toronto (ON) - Estimated web version launch date of the new magazine “Main Street” is April 2009- followed by a published version in the summer of 2009. This hot new magazine with ‘attitude’ is focused on the ladies of today who want more!

Main Street” will have sexy hot pictures of men—that’s right ladies, from Maxim to the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated, men have had their fix of sexy ladies for years, now it is our turn! Of course we are not one dimensional, (kidding guys) so you can find a food section, letting us know about the latest chefs, restaurants, and reviews. Also you will find reviews on books, movies, music.
Articles pertaining to relationships, art, women in business and health and wellness. A monthly fun article called “Alfa Male” the voice of a man in this ‘women’s world.’ A Ladies Magazine will not be complete with out shoes, right? Fashion trends that ladies will wear, want and need will be included. Lifestyles including cigars, wine and cars.
This and so much more will give the ladies what they have been craving. The brain child behind “Main Street?” No other than celebrity author, writer, and former radio host “Tilly Rivers.”

Tilly’s focus as Sr. Editor and owner will be coordinating the monthly magazine, as well as writing the monthly feature article.

I will be staying on as a consultant during the first few months of transition, only too enjoy my retirement at the beach of choice.

Have a blast chillin@mainstreet!!

Interview with Dominique Chaponot

Dominique Chaponot is an artist who resides in Olyphant PA, she comes from a family that loves Art.
“Any Art.”
Her father was a saxophonist, her Grandparents won an Award in a dance contest in Spain, her cousin is a Jazz singer in Paris, and her aunt is a painter in Cannes.
Below is the interview with Dominique and Entertainment Editor Tilly Rivers.

Interview with Dominique Chaponot
© Tilly Rivers, 2009

TR: Can you describe the process you go through when
creating a piece from start to finish?

DC: This is difficult. Let me see if I can explain. For example, I will have a vision of a landscape with a barn, animals and people, I will take a lot of photos that match my vision, between 60/80. I sort the photos, and begin to change color, add shadow, shape, l blend everything put some light here and there, so many thinks can be done when you have your imagination running like crazy ! If the result reflects what I have in mind I am happy, sometimes it could take 6 to 9 months before l like it.

TR: You have won many awards for your works. Can you give us a few examples?

DC: In 2004- I proudly took not only first place for my b/w but “best of the show” at the annual NORTHEAST PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB - EVEHART MUSEUM in SCRANTON PA and the NORTHEAST PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB - Photographer of the year. Awards for 2005 included WESTMORELAND ART NATIONAL’S 1St Show - PITTSBURGH PA. - Best of Show and THE TENTH ANNUAL SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY SHUTTERBUG- I won the “People's Choice” photo. In 2006, AFA GALLERY SCRANTON - Best of show, continued to win awards in 2007 and took first place for at the ENDLESS MOUNTAINS COUNCIL OF THE ARTS. A complete list of my awards is on line.

TR: What has been the biggest challenge in the work you create?

DC: My biggest challenge is to show to the people that photography is not only a straight shot, you can do so many different things with photography art, you can open a new vision in photography, it's hard especially with old photographers, they do not too see photography skill in my creations.

TR: Do you still see the magic when you create?

DC: Yes absolutely, I feel this pulse each time I create; last year I created “Midnight Transpennsylvania” it's the reflection of my dream on the night of March 8th, 2007. It was a delightful dream, the one you have only once in your life, the sensation of peace was so intense that I had the urgent need to do an Artwork of it. It took me more than 3 weeks to realize this work, 54 photos combined together- images came to my mind as if I was guided, somehow I was back in time.

I have a gallery in Olyphant today, but I am looking to move to Vermont, Maine... I would love to give lessons and pass my passion for creation, I always think that Art brings civilization, and I know they have a lot of Artist over there.

For more information or to view more works visit:

Burgers Done Right

For some of us, winter’s cold does not seem like it will go away. Mayhap then we need to unbury our BBQ and have a ‘summer’ day in February--- what better way to celebrate the upcoming spring then a juicy BBQ Burger---

Tips for Grilling Burgers
Author: Stephanie Gallagher

Grilling perfect burgers is easy if you follow these simple tips:
Use beef with the right amount of fat. I recommend 80% to 85% lean ground beef. The fat is what makes your burgers juicy.

If your ground beef is frozen, thaw completely in the refrigerator before using. Do not try to cook beef from a frozen state.

To see if your burgers are done, check using an instant-read thermometer. Insert it in the side of the burger through to the middle. Burgers should be cooked to 160 degrees F.

Color is not an indicator of whether or not your burgers are cooked thoroughly. Burgers that are brown inside may not be cooked to 160 degrees F, and burgers that are cooked through may still be pink inside.

Handle the beef as little as possible while shaping the burgers. Over handling results in toughness.

Form patties that about 3/4-inch thick. Press your thumb in the middle of each patty to prevent it from bulging during cooking.

Refrigerate your burgers while preparing the grill. Preheat the grill long enough to get it nice and hot, about 15 minutes should do it.

Season the burgers with salt and pepper on the outside, just before grilling. This will prevent the salt from drawing moisture out of the burgers. And the salt, which enhances the meat's flavor, will hit your mouth first.

Place the burgers on the grill, and leave them there. Do not press down on the burgers during cooking.

Flip once, after 5-6 minutes.

Let your burgers rest at least 5 minutes before serving

About the author: Stephanie Gallagher is an award-winning journalist, food writer, author and mother of two. When she isn't in the kitchen developing new recipes, she can be found poring over cookbooks or browsing the aisles of local food stores and specialty shops for the latest and greatest kitchen products and utensils. She has written hundreds of food articles and interviewed dozens of famous chefs in her quest for the best, easiest and most fun recipes for kids. Stephanie comes from a long line of farmers, who helped instill in her the importance of respecting the environment and appreciating the source of our food supply. The author of four books, Stephanie has been featured on Oprah, National Public Radio, Lifetime television and other major media. She is currently working on her fifth book.

Media Tip: The Power of an Internet Presence

Those in whom are still trying to get reviews, and gain a presence via an interview for traditional radio, newspaper and magazines and are not thinking eZines, blogs and podcasts are quickly going to be left behind.

Traditional media channels do help, but by the very nature of their structure each organization is limited to a small geographical audience. An internet interview or review will reach millions of listeners quickly, without killing one tree!

Starting at 3 children are on the net, consumers today are on the net “checking you out’ and if they can only find one article or a stale website they will move on to what is hot, entertaining and fun. In order to capture their attention you MUST have a great internet presence.
It is time for professional entertainers to take a long look at their marketing and PR campaign regarding their media internet presence.

Podcasts use to be fluffed off, now they are among the top listened to stations, this is the new world where we gather information at a speed of light and want to be dazzled by a persons profile. Not sure if that is true? What about UTube and BlogTalk Radio? Both have millions of listeners/watchers every day!

If you are still hitting your head against the wall sending out request after request for press releases in the hopes you might be picked up by a traditional media presence, think about adding the net to your PR campaign an start building a profile that people will see.

Be selective when choosing Ezine and podcast hosts. Who is the host? Who is the Editor? Will they by their very name or popular following add to your profile? If you connect your name with theirs will it add to your search hits?

Think outside your subject and find common ground you and your possible fans have. What attracts your fans to you? Find Entertainment and Lifestyle Ezines that also have these common grounds.

And finally. JUST ASK. Send an email with your bio attached and let them know how great you are and that they might be missing out on a great opportunity. You do not have to be a super star today, but what if you are the super star of tomorrow? All media has egos, and they do not want to think they have missed something that could be great. Better yet, when you do make it big, they will have bragging rights about being one of the ‘firsts’ to interview you. The media is not looking for shy, they are looking for ‘dazzle,’ after all, they are trying to offer entertainment as well!