Media Tip: The Power of an Internet Presence

Those in whom are still trying to get reviews, and gain a presence via an interview for traditional radio, newspaper and magazines and are not thinking eZines, blogs and podcasts are quickly going to be left behind.

Traditional media channels do help, but by the very nature of their structure each organization is limited to a small geographical audience. An internet interview or review will reach millions of listeners quickly, without killing one tree!

Starting at 3 children are on the net, consumers today are on the net “checking you out’ and if they can only find one article or a stale website they will move on to what is hot, entertaining and fun. In order to capture their attention you MUST have a great internet presence.
It is time for professional entertainers to take a long look at their marketing and PR campaign regarding their media internet presence.

Podcasts use to be fluffed off, now they are among the top listened to stations, this is the new world where we gather information at a speed of light and want to be dazzled by a persons profile. Not sure if that is true? What about UTube and BlogTalk Radio? Both have millions of listeners/watchers every day!

If you are still hitting your head against the wall sending out request after request for press releases in the hopes you might be picked up by a traditional media presence, think about adding the net to your PR campaign an start building a profile that people will see.

Be selective when choosing Ezine and podcast hosts. Who is the host? Who is the Editor? Will they by their very name or popular following add to your profile? If you connect your name with theirs will it add to your search hits?

Think outside your subject and find common ground you and your possible fans have. What attracts your fans to you? Find Entertainment and Lifestyle Ezines that also have these common grounds.

And finally. JUST ASK. Send an email with your bio attached and let them know how great you are and that they might be missing out on a great opportunity. You do not have to be a super star today, but what if you are the super star of tomorrow? All media has egos, and they do not want to think they have missed something that could be great. Better yet, when you do make it big, they will have bragging rights about being one of the ‘firsts’ to interview you. The media is not looking for shy, they are looking for ‘dazzle,’ after all, they are trying to offer entertainment as well!