
June, we all know it had to happen, while the college kids have been longing for the sun and the beach, parents have a different, and not so happy event this month: The kids finish school. For most working parents this summer time break can be hectic, the children want to sleep in, and you need to hustle them to the baby sitter or day camp! Things like breakfast can suddenly become a nightmare! How do you make sure they start the day healthy while keeping it simple? Easy-peezy my friend, no need to pull your hair out, and no need to stock up on that sugar coated cereal! As a matter of fact this smoothie recipe is perfect for breakfast, lunch, snacks or dessert, and made with only natural ingredients. Kids and yes you-- mom and dad will love this healthy smoothie recipe.

I would also like to introduce you to a great kitchen product called the Vita-Mix, information and review below the berry smoothie recipe.

Berry Smoothie
Two kinds of berries are paired with lemonade concentrate and lemon yogurt in this cool and refreshing fruit smoothie recipe. Fruit smoothies are a great way to help you get your daily servings of fruits and vegetables. A good smoothie recipe, like this one, packs in two to three servings of fruits per glass. So drink up and the best part? Prep time is 5 minutes!

1-1/2 cups dark sweet frozen cherries (pitted, unsweetened)
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup non-fat vanilla soy milk
1 Tbsp. frozen lemonade concentrate
1/2 cup low-fat lemon yogurt

Place frozen cherries and blueberries in the bottom of a blender, Vita Mix, or food processor, fitted with a metal blade.
Top with vanilla soy milk.
Add remaining ingredients.

Puree until smooth. If using a blender, you may have to stop to press the fruit down into the blades in order for it to puree smoothly. Make sure the blender is turned off, and use a long spoon to push the fruit down. Continue blending until all of the fruit is ground up.
Makes 2 servings.

Vita Mix Blender Review
I am a big fan of the Vita Mix blenders. On performance and durability alone, however, the Vita Mix is just so darned expensive. That having been said, there is a place for a Vita Mix blender in many kitchens with kids. You just have to figure out how often you will use it, whether or not it will fit in your space, and if you have the money to spend on the Vita Mix.

 Works better than any other kitchen tool for making smoothies.
 Has multiple uses, from pureeing soups to making bread crumbs and ice cream.
 Easy to clean.
 Has a variable speed control.

 Expensive, very expensive ($500.00 and up)
 May be too tall to fit under some kitchen cabinets.
 Takes up counter space and is heavy, if you plan to store under the counter.

 Can puree whole fruits and vegetables easily.
 Has a powerful, variable-speed motor, which allows you to adjust the speed for which foods are processed as you are using it.
 Has easy-to-read measurements in ounces, cups and metrics printed on the container.
 Container is large (64 ounces), and made of durable, unbreakable plastic.
 Comes with a DVD, a tamper, and a cookbook.

As with any expensive kitchen tool, the Vita Mix ought to deliver a lot of performance for its price. Fortunately, it delivers. From making smoothies and soups to bread crumbs and ice cream, the Vita Mix can perform a wide range of kitchen tasks quite well.
The Vita Mix is a Healthy Cook's Best Friend. If you're into healthy eating, the Vita Mix blender can perform tasks like pulverizing an entire orange, skin and seeds included. Or make raw nut butters. Although the Vita Mix does not extract pulp like a juicer, it can get you to the same place as a juicer. That is, you can use that whole pureed orange in a smoothie or drink that is as healthy as a fresh-juiced drink. Indeed, some say it's even healthier, because the fibre and nutrients from skin, seeds and pulp are not lost when you use the Vita-mix. What's more, the Vita Mix is fast, durable (the container is made of high-quality plastic), and easy to clean. Just put a few drops of detergent and a few cups water into the Vita Mix, turn it on, and voila! It cleans itself.

~Rosemary Peters~
© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises
As seen in the June Issue of Main Street Magazine.
Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

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Healthy Relationships - Focus on Your Spouse

Focus on your spouse

The 3 A's of a Healthy Relationship with Your Partner

Overtime for whatever reason many couples either call it quits or wind up staying in an unhappy relationship. However there are a number of couples who manage to beat the odds and go onto a very healthy relationship. How do they do it?

Have you ever met a married couple that was so lovey dovey that it just about made you sick to your stomach? You wouldn't mind so much if they were newlyweds, but for crying out loud these two have been together for years. Yet every time you go out with them, they are in full mushy mode. They openly vow endless love and one refuses to make any decisions without consulting the other. It's enough to make you want to sue the pastor who presided at their wedding ceremony.

The cynic in you says this is nothing more than an act they put on to fool the public at large but you know in your heart that is not true. You have seen these two in action when they didn't think anybody was looking (no not like that!) and from your observations, they are the real deal. The love, trust, mutual respect and sheer enjoyment they get from being in each other's company is as genuine as a Sunday morning.

So how did they beat the odds? In the US alone roughly 49% of all marriages end in divorce. While the good news is the divorce rate has dropped to its lowest level since 1970, the reality is 49% is still a high number.

Yet even when couples decide to stay together many are trapped in a marriage that has plenty of routine but little else. Somewhere during their relationship, the marriage went from fun and romance to a chore that saps the energy out of both parties.

It doesn't have to be that way. There may not be any full proof guaranteed cure alls for the relationship blues but every little bit helps; like the 3 A's.

1. Attitude
Marriage is a chore if you convince yourself it's a chore. Do you look at every bump in the relationship road as a crushing obstacle or a challenge to overcome which brings the two of you closer together? It's all in the way you perceive it. When you change your attitude, don't look for your spouse to make the initial move. "Saying I'll do it if you will" means that it may never get done. Work on your outlook first. Hopefully, your significant will notice what's going on and get on your wavelength.

2. Attention
Your spouse has been exercising or upgrading their appearance to please you. Are you taking notice? What about your communication and listening skills? When it's just the two of you, neither spouse should have to compete with the TV, newspaper or internet to get your attention. Keep it mind that what they want to tell you is not always going to be of the earth shattering variety. Sometimes they just want to talk or vent or see what's on your mind. Either way, show them your undivided consideration.

3. Appreciation
Too often when we think "we've got it like that" we tend to take the other person for granted. Break the mould and start buying your significant other a small gift even when it's not a special occasion. This is an excellent way to show gratitude; however it does not have to be monetary. For instance, they do the same household chore day in day out but now you start thanking them for doing it. In fact you surprise them occasionally by doing the work for your spouse without being asked to do it. When it comes to appreciation within a marriage, little things mean a lot.

The goal in any relationship is to be selfless enough so you both are a team that just keeps getting better and better. Trying the 3 A's can help considerably with your game plan. You might not ever win Couple of The Year but stick with it anyway. Eventually when people see the two of you coming, they also will start reaching for the Rolaids.

Article written by Daryl Campbell; Writer and home business owner. CEO of Campbell Marketing LLC.

© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises
As seen in the June Issue of Main Street Magazine.
Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

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Dating Again

There are little white lies, and then there are whoppers. When meeting someone for the first time, we tend to use harmless white lies to blur facts about less impressive or unimportant details - such as how you really feel about hockey, or opera, or breast feeding in public. Or how about ‘No, no, really I just ate!” and then a second later your tummy grumbles calling your bluff! This behaviour indicates a certain sensitivity and normal desire to put one's best foot forward, and isn't necessarily bad. However, when someone starts telling you they recently won the Nobel Peace Prize, it's clearly a problem.

Being able to identify who is lying to you, might help save you time, energy and even heart ache. We were always told that when people lie, they look up to the left? Or is it to the right? In fact, it doesn't matter, that theory has long ago proven to be little more than an old wives tale.

There are however symptoms of telltale signs that someone is lying. If you have joined a dating site, going to a club, or church social, it is helpful to know whether a person you are interested in is telling you the truth.

We hope the list of hints below will help you spot the lies…

Eye contact

This is probably where there "looking up to the left" legend comes from. It doesn't matter where they are looking, if they can't make eye contact with you it's a pretty clear sign that they are lying. A low self-esteem can also cause people to avoid eye contact, however you can usually tell these poor souls from the liars because they will consistently look down. Liars on the other hand, will look anywhere and everywhere (but you) when lying, but will be able to stay focussed on you when answering a question truthfully. If you suspect you are talking to a liar, try asking a question that you know is easy to answer honestly (such as, "do you like hockey?") and watch for a change in demeanour and eye contact: if they are lying you will notice that they immediately relax, and latch on to the new topic very quickly.

Subject avoidance

Liars are usually trying to cover up a detail about themselves or a topic they are embarrassed for you to know about. They will almost always do whatever they can to avoid talking about it, changing the subject which is where lying comes in. However before you decide this is a lie, it may be a subject matter that is very intense, or uncomfortable, such as your religious beliefs or family values. Be sure the topic avoidance, is truly something that is not a heavy subject matter to test the waters for reactions

Long, unnecessary explanations

Lies, by default, are made up stories. Stories take a lot of construction and reflection. When someone lies to you, they often feel the need to tell more detail than necessary. This is because they are not only proving the story is true to you, they are in a sense doing the same for themselves. Going into detail allows the liar keep track of the lie, kind of like how criminals have to go over every detail of their alibi to ensure it checks out. Because they are worried you will see through the lie, they will often keep providing "evidence" that it's true. A variation of this third sign is exaggeration. Liars will often over-exaggerate in their long-winded discourse, in the hopes that it will strengthen the lie.

A person may act like this and still be telling the truth; it's just highly unlikely, especially if they exhibit more than one sign. Take note of the three indicators and use them to help decipher honesty next time you meet someone new. Bear in mind that telling the truth is the easiest option, while constructing a lie takes thought and energy. Most people will take the path of least resistance, and opt to tell the truth; However, there are countless social situations - meeting new friends, speed dating 10 or more unknown singles, examining your blind date, etc. - where being able to discern the liars from the truthful will come in handy. Keep your eyes open, and your own ethics clean, and you will always come out on top.

Inconsistencies In Comments And Claims

One way to detect whether the person you are interested in an online dating site is lying is by paying close attention to the comments and claims made by them. If at one point of time they made a comment regarding certain issue and the next moment made a different comment on the same issue, this can be a cause for concern.

Not Having Enough Personal Information About The Other Party

When you sign up with any dating sites, it is important that you should not divulge too much personal information for fear of a possible personal attack or internet frauds that may occur to gain access to your financial information. However, if you have been chatting with a particular person for a long time and yet still do not know basic personal information like occupation, then this person could be suspicious because they do not want to take the risk of being exposed of their lie. It is after all easy enough to pick up the phone and ask the receptionist to be connected to Mr. X

Wanting To Move Too Fast

You may have met people in dating sites who wanted to take you to a level of relationship which you may feel uncomfortable. Beware of those who talk dirty most of the time during your online chat. Then they may request to meet in a hotel for the first meeting. Take your time, this is your dating schedule and choice not theirs.

Liars have a tendency to fidget a lot while they talk with somebody. Shifting foot positions, touching their face and mouth area, swaying, rapidly moving hands, and the like, are signs that the person feels uncomfortable while speaking with you. The question to ask is why? Are they uncomfortable with the subject? Lying? Or nerves? Go with your gut instinct, if it doesn’t feel right, move on.

A good liar will ask you to repeat your question in order to give them more time to make up a lie, or ask you a question in response to your question, gauging your reaction.

Liars, especially if they are married, will mysteriously be unavailable for phone calls or e-mail responses. The will also exhibit other inexplicable behaviour that makes you wonder if they are telling the truth. Believe your instincts if you feel this way.

Ultimately, whether a single person meets a date through a dating service, or matched up from a friend it’s YOUR responsibility to keep safe. Do not go on every date thinking that he/she is a liar or a psychopath, but do use caution, common sense and keep these tips in the back of your mind!

Next Month: Where to meet someone.

© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the June Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

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A Novel Idea - Interview with Author Simon Clark

Simon Clark


Born, 20th April, 1958, Simon Clark is the author of such highly regarded horror novels as Nailed by the Heart, Blood Crazy, Darker, Vampyrrhic and The Fall, while his short stories have been collected in Blood & Grit and Salt Snake & Other Bloody Cuts. He has also written prose material for the internationally famous rock band U2.

Raised in a family of storytellers – family legend told of a stolen human skull buried beneath the
Clark garage – he sold his first ghost story to a radio station in his teens. Before becoming a full-time writer he held a variety of day jobs that have involved strawberry picking, supermarket shelf stocking, office work, and scripting video promos.

He lives with his wife
and two children in mystical territory that lies on the border of Robin Hood country in England.

Are there any secret novels hidden away in your attic that may or may not see the light of day?

In my teens I wrote a horror novel called HOBSCROSS. That definitely will never see the light of day! But it was personally satisfying to complete it and finally in the early hours of one summer’s morning type 'The End'. Even though the novel will never be published it did prove to me I had the tenacity to write 80,000 words.

What authors do you like to read?

My all-time favourites are Arthur Machen and William Hope Hodgson; they have that extra ingredient that transports their work to some other realm. Also, I'd include Dylan Thomas, John Wyndham, Paul Finch, Mark Samuels, Shirley Jackson, Paul Kane, Gary McMahon, Stan Barstow, Stephen King; the list goes on. And on. Being a writer means that I read a lot of authors to analyse their technique, which can distract me from the story. Lately, I've been studying the likes of HP Lovecraft and Joseph Conrad. Often it's worth reading and re-reading a few paragraphs of a story and unravelling the mechanics of it all.

What is your favourite book?

Paul Ferris's biography of Dylan Thomas. I can read that book every year and still be fascinated and moved by it.

What is your real guilty secret favourite book?

Leo Walmsley's PARADISE CREEK. It's an autobiography about a man living in a hut up a Cornish creek where he tinkers with engines and spends a lot of time fishing. I don't like tinkering with engines or fishing but the book is strangely soothing. I take it with me to read in airports.

What can we see from your in the future?

I'm currently finishing one novel: GHOSTMONSTER, and then I'm just about to start WHITBY VAMPYRRHIC. My Vampyrrhic series features vampire-like creatures from Viking mythology -- the readers' response to the series has been amazing. People have even asked for story locations so they can visit them.

What is THE MIDNIGHT MAN about in no more than 30 words?

Part fact, part fiction it features Vincent Van Gogh, murder, madness and ghosts. THE MIDNIGHT MAN blog can be found here. There's also a short film, too.

What's the strangest fan request or gift you have had?

Nothing weird or troubling. I sometimes get asked for signed photographs, which is flattering as it is surprising.

What is your daily writing routine, if you have one?

I keep office hours, working from around nine until five. Sometimes work creeps into weekends, too.

What advice would you give the great unpublished out there, who wish to follow in your exalted footsteps?

Exalted? Thank you for the compliment. The key to becoming a published author is persistence. Keep writing, just keep writing. Also pick a favourite story and study the mechanics of it. Ask yourself how it works, and what passages hook your attention.

How excited are you to be on a Doctor Who DVD extra?

Enormously. I've been a fan ever since I was knee-high to a Dalek.

Which of your books would make the best film?

THE MIDNIGHT MAN was a real labour of love -- Van Gogh was an amazing artist and utter visionary. If that was produced I'd sit there at the back of the cinema with a tear in my eye.

I and a few others think the horror novel is about to have its 2nd, 3rd or 666th coming, what are your thoughts?

Everyone has a theory about a renewal in horror -- the economy, terrorism, climate; but there does seem to be a new interest in horror in everything from TV to books to computer games. All, I can say is, yes, horror is popular again. So, to all horror fans out there I'd suggest we dive in and enjoy!

Want more great interviews / book reviews? Visit www.thenovelblog.com

~Peter Mark May~

© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the June Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

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Quick Tips

Finding activities to keep the kids busy is an important part of my family’s summer plans. The last thing I want is to have the kids starting at me saying, “Mom, I’m bored.” Boredom doesn’t lead to a fun summer for anyone.

Now that we’re in the heart of summer, many families find themselves running out of fun, yet frugal, things to do with the family this summer

Chances are you are drawing a blank as to what you can do to keep the kids occupied this summer. The days on the calendar keep coming closer to that moment when you hear the famous phrase: “I’m Bored!”

Before summer gets underway, I’ve learned to identify different activities that the kids can take part in that won’t break the bank. My hope is always that if I have a list of ideas prepared, I won’t get caught scrambling to find something fun for the kids to do., frustrating both them and me.

The Library, and / or ELC

I work hard to foster a love of books in all of my kids, so it’s not a big surprise that we go to the library a lot. Little kids love story hour at the library. If your kids are older, though, don’t overlook summer reading programs that allow your kids to earn books as a reward for reading. They also have movies and CD’s you can sign out with your library card for rainy days or the days in which inside can be fun. Let each of the children take turns picking a CD or a movie to watch. Some libraries or Early Learning Centers also have activities and toy borrowing programs as well.

Michael’s Craft Projects

Michael’s craft stores offer children’s craft programs once a month or so. For little or no cost, you can take your kids into the store and let them make something new. Fun project s like a Father’s Day gift, Joann’s craft centers have programs like these sometimes, too, so don’t forget to check out their websites.

Trips to the Zoo

Does your area’s zoo have a “free” day? If it does, why not take advantage of it? We go to the zoo three or four times during the summer months. We don’t try to see everything in one day, so we don’t experience as many cranky moments as some other families. We pack lunches too, to save on food costs.

Sidewalk Art

Once or twice a summer, we have a sidewalk art fair. Granted, this idea isn’t captivating enough to pass the entire summer, but used sparingly it can provide enough entertainment to pass an afternoon. We buy sidewalk chalk at our local dollar store. Then, when it’s sidewalk art day, we spend the afternoon drawing designs all over the sidewalk leading up to our front door. The kids get so excited as they imagine how impressed my husband will be when he gets home from work and sees their designs. Sometimes, we even write notes for him in the artwork. Let your kids show off their artistic skills to the entire neighbourhood by drawing colourful designs on the sidewalk in front of your house. Most dollar stores will have buckets of sidewalk chalk for a dollar or two. Challenge your little ones to draw the best picture they can. When your spouse comes home from work, they can give him a tour of their gallery. Or if you get the neighbourhood kids involved, host a ‘showing’ with the all the parents in attendance.

Picnic in the Park

What family wouldn’t enjoy a fun picnic together? Pack a lunch (or dinner) into a basket or tote bag and bring along a large, comfy blanket. If you can walk to the park, by all means do so. Suddenly, a routine meal is turned into a memorable event. Don’t forget to bring along a Frisbee or ball to play with after you eat.


Have your kids ever played a classic game of marbles? If not, now is the time to introduce them to it. A bag of marbles is very inexpensive, but your kids will spend hours perfecting the art of “shooting.” You can use sidewalk chalk to draw the necessary circles onto your driveway and turn the kids loose.

Lemonade Stand

Foster an entrepreneurial attitude in your kids by letting them host a lemonade (or Kool-aid) stand. If your neighbourhood hosts a neighbourhood-wide garage sale, this is the perfect day for this project. Otherwise, you can allow them to open their stand in conjunction with your own family’s garage sale. Help them post signs advertising their little venture, select flavours for their drinks, and gather the necessary supplies. The kids will love having their own spending money and may even learn to appreciate how hard money is to come by.

Science Experiments

Who says summer vacation isn’t educational? A quick visit to your local library could reveal a ton of experiments that your family could complete in your own backyard. Look for one that doesn’t require a lot of special equipment and turn your little scientists loose.

Make a list

Make a list ahead of time of all the things your children like, is one into video games? Why not have a ‘game-off’ where your child invites a few friends and they take turns ‘gaming’. You could also have small prizes for them to win, which can be bought at Party Packagers or the Dollar Store for next to nothing. Does one like to bake? Buying pre-made cookie dough can save the mess and lets the children start rolling and cutting the dough right away for baking. Maybe one is into nature? A few bottles of water and some granola bars in a back pack and away you go for a walk- the key is to be prepared with some of your children’s favourite things, while keeping it simple and not breaking the bank.

~Janice Collins~

© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the June Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

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Main Street Music Scene - Bryan Adams

It is with great pleasure that this month’s article for Main Street Music Scene welcomes the Canadian great: Bryan Adams.

Bryan Adams is considered extremely prominent in the Canadian music industry, and no wonder he is the best-selling Canadian male artist of all time, holds the distinction of being the first Canadian artist to sell one million copies of his album in his homeland, not once, but twice with ‘Waking Up the Neighbours’ & ‘Reckless.

I always knew I'd be in music in some sort of capacity. I didn't know if I'd be successful at it, but I knew I'd be doing something in it. Maybe get a job in a record store. Maybe even play in a band. I never got into this to be a star. Bryan said.

Adams has become more then just a ‘star’ he is a music legend. Inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame in 1998 and in April 2006 he was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame at Canada's Juno Awards.

In January of this year he received the Allan Waters Humanitarian Award for his part in numerous charitable concerts and campaigns during his career, and on the first of May (2010) was given the Governor General's Performing Arts Award for his 30 years of contributions to the arts.

In February 2010 Adams released "One World, One Flame" - a track which was used as a theme song by the major German TV station ARD for the Olympic TV Coverage of Olympic Games in Vancouver.

On February 12, Adams, wrote and performed "Bang The Drum" as a duet with Nelly Furtado, for the opening ceremony for the 2010 Winter Olympics Games in Vancouver, BC in front of 60,000 people. With Wayne Gretzky and Jaromir Jagr at the opening ceremonies, this brought all three together once again, following Gretzky's final game in 1999 at Madison Square Garden, when Gretzky then played for the New York Rangers and Jagr was with the Pittsburgh Penguins. At that time (1999) Adams sang the Canadian national anthem and altered the line to reflect Gretzky's departure, saying, "We'll miss you Wayne Gretzky."

Adams is also the owner of one the biggest hits of all time, "Everything I Do, I Do It For You". It is often known as the biggest hit of the 90's and holds the record for the longest running no. 1 in UK singles chart history (4 months). "Summer of 69" and "Run To You" have become rock radio staples. The album Reckless is considered by some to be a landmark recording of the 80's and for melodic rock.

Most of Adams's philanthropic activity is dedicated to his foundation "The Bryan Adams Foundation", which aims to advance education and learning opportunities for children and young people worldwide, believing that an education is the best gift that a child can be given.

The Foundation’s area of support is broad and far-reaching, enabling grants to be given for projects supporting the elderly, victims of war and natural disasters, and those suffering from mental or physical illness. The foundation is completely funded by his photographic activities.

"Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstances." Quoted Bryan.

As is the case with most creative people, there is a cross over from one artistic out let to another. In Bryan’s case it is Photography, coincidently a passion close to my own heart. Bryan however is internationally renowned; his photographs have been published in British Vogue, L'uomo Vogue, Vanity Fair, Harper's Bazaar, Esquire, Interview magazine and I-D, among others.

In June of 2005 Bryan and Calvin Klein published a book of photos called American Women; the proceeds went to breast cancer research for programs at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.

As a photographer, Adams has worked with many of his musical peers, a sample listing includes: Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart, Robert Plant, Joss Stone, Placido Domingo, Celine Dion, Billy Idol, Moby, Amy Winehouse, t.A.T.u., Annie Lennox, Peter Gabriel, Lenny Kravitz and Morrissey.

In 2002, Adams was invited, along with other photographers from the Commonwealth, to photograph Queen Elizabeth II during her Golden Jubilee; one of the photographs from this session was used as a Canadian postage stamp in 2004 and again in 2005.

Singer, song writer, philanthropist or photographer? Perhaps just a man with a great passion, a great vision and amazing talent!

~Cheers Bryan~ It is an honour to have you as part of MSM!

*Source of Information, Bryan Adams & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryan_Adams

~Tilly Rivers~

© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the June Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

To find out how to receive your free copy of MSM check out
