Interview with Artist Judy Cooper

Author: Tilly Rivers

As a child from a military family, how has this added / taken away to your artistic inspiration?
The military background leads to a lot of moving for a family, usually at critical times for young children and teenagers. It was difficult to have long-term friendships. I feel that led to a lot of self-sufficiency and solitude on my part. The art obsession was always there; those conditions just allowed it to play a larger role.

Tell us the history behind your artistic growth from realistic portrayals of nature and wildlife, moving to on realism and portraiture, stained glass, only to begin the circle again with the love of painting.
I was always interested in capturing a memory or feeling with imagery. Often, the source came from books I had read or things I had experienced. Portraiture is the ultimate test, because capturing a likeness combines so many things: accuracy, rendering, yet somehow you are also adding something that isn't there - your feelings about what you are painting. Animals and places are actually individuals too, but this is a more esoteric concept for some. I feel that every artist must first develop solid drawing skills. From there anything is possible. Even abstraction becomes informed. I see my tour through various art media as an unwitting enactment of those steps. I didn't set out with any conscious plan to develop myself, but the frustration that came from not being able to capture something led naturally to it. It is an ongoing process that is never complete.

What is your role as an artist?
I feel my role as an artist is to keep the arts alive in a world that is becoming faster and more hurried by the day. Many people come into a booth where my paintings are displayed and I can see their shoulders relax as they begin to smile. Some just look peaceful. It is a great feeling. So maybe I what I do is connect them with a lost part of themselves or their past.

What special message is found in your creations?

I don't think there is a message that applies to everyone. In some pieces, like "Lucky Foot", I am trying to say something specific, but not as a rule. I have noticed that there are many different connections to the same painting. All of them seem to be about feelings or memories.

What is the challenge of revealing the “art” in Earth?
The challenge is to remind people that it is there.

Explain the statement “Earth's natural wonders. Now, more than ever, they are in need of our attention.”
Our lives are very busy, and we often forget to stop and take a breath. A lot of us are disconnected from the things that a natural environment for us, trees, fresh air, small animals. There is a need to take a look at all of it before it is all gone. I am hoping that everyone that sees my paintings will take a bit of that feeling away and apply that energy somewhere in a positive way.

Where can readers find your works?

Readers can find my works on my website at, in the homes of select collectors and at venues I attend every year, like the Buckhorn Fine Art Festival, which is one of the finest art shows in Canada. I will be updating my website regularly to announce new showings.

Can you describe the process you go through when creating a piece from start to finish?
I am an avid cyclist, so usually things begin with a ride through the countryside. This gives me the inspiration for all of my landscapes and most of my bird paintings. For the more exotic animals, I go to the zoo, or to wildlife rehabilitation centres. Then, I take all the pictures back and peruse them on the computer. Usually, I work from printouts of digital photos, combining several at a time as I go along. Sometimes, I do some editing in Photoshop to remove distracting elements and combine them there. I work on Masonite, which I cut and prepare myself, usually in large batches. (It would be terrible to have inspiration and nothing to paint it on!) I almost never do any preliminary sketches because I prefer to immerse myself immediately, although sometimes I will do a study of something in an 8x10 format to get the idea. For more complex pieces, I may build the image up in pencil first, but lately I have been forcing myself to be more painterly and work the sketch up with a brush. Once I am going on a piece, I don't usually divert my attention to anything else until it is done. Most of my larger paintings take couple of weeks to a month to complete, but lately I have been having great fun with quick 8x10 colour studies of the Southern Ontario farmland that I see from my bike.

What do you want to be remembered for?

Hmm.. That is a tough question.... I guess to answer it, I would look to people I admire. I admire people with energy and the ability to inspire others. For instance, there are some teachers I had in high school that made me want to work really hard to meet their standards. So I guess it would-be something like that. Oh and also great paintings.

How would you describe yourself?
I would describe myself as high energy with a tendency toward impatience (for some things). I appreciate fairness and honesty and hope to think I give it back. (I can also work tirelessly on a painting --mostly the ones that I secretly know will never amount to anything.)
What do you hope people think of when they view your work?
I hope that it will connect them with something good that they have misplaced in their lives -- or that they have limited access to for some reason. One of my friends has a tiny reproduction of a woman sitting by a waterside cottage at dusk. It makes her feel good to look at it when she is having a hard time. It would make me feel great if my work could do that for people.

Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know about? The artist:--the woman
I am I think I will answer that with a quote (out of context) from wildlife artist George McLean, whom I really admire:
"Everything that could be said is in the painting(s)"

New Year Resolutions. Set up for Failure?

Author: Tilly Rivers
copyright 2009

So, by traditional of (okay help me here tradition of what-??) this is the day we are suppose to make resolutions. New Years Resolutions. I disagree, I think every day we should focus on the importance of what we want, and create a continuous goal plan.

Apparently the most common resolution, (which by the way means, a promise, and to me a promise should not be something without thought or done because of pressure.) are loosing weight, quit {smoking, drinking too much, a habit-of-some sort}lose weight, gain weight, get-out-of-debt, start a saving account, better job, be better at your job, get fit, eat right, exercise, get an education, get a better education, take a trip, volunteer, less stress, less grumpy, watch less TV, watch less violence, spend more time with the kids, be a better mom/dad, grandparent/etc. (Any of these on your list?)

According to statics 94% of the world write or say New Years Resolutions, 2% of that population actually keeps them. ONLY 2% keep a PROMISE made to the most important person-THEMSELVES! (If you can not keep a promise to yourself- how can you keep a promise to anyone else?)

Wow! Why do people break the promise they have made to themselves? Perhaps it is because we bend to the pressure of what is popular instead of wanting something truly in our hearts?! NO ONE can make you do ANYTHING- let alone a day on the calendar that has proclaimed it to be the day of CHANGE!

On New Year’s I count my blessings and reflect back on the last year without judgment. I am blessed my Mom is still with me, her stroke has taught me to be a better person. I am blessed that my children are safe and happy, and that be it because of me; or in spite of me; they are on the path of a good life and developing into good people. I am blessed I met many wonderful people during the time I owned a publishing company, and I am blessed that those in whom were nasty and judgmental when I closed it taught me that I could stand strong in the truth and they could say or do whatever they wanted, that some people are born to be judgment throwers, that does not mean I have to catch the balls of shit they flung and throw it back- nope- it meant I was learning that life comes with surprises, not always in pretty wrapping.

I am blessed to have my belief system, for the gift of meditation, yoga and Pict. I am blessed with the gift of my writing, I am blessed to be loved by a wonderful man, I am blessed to have a great friendship, I am blessed to have friends and I am blessed to have the opportunity to be a food critic, radio host and entertainment editor. I am blessed to have a beautiful T/F that makes me smile. I am blessed to be well enough to write this now.

Each of these blessings, and so many more, I will carry with me into this New Year, and when, or if, I am ready to make changes, I will do so knowing why I am, because when it is all said and done, you need to answer to whatever your higher power is, and yourself, and when the time comes and you are asked: “Have you been the best person you can be?” Your answer can be a strong; “YES.”

When you wake and face your reflection in the mirror can you look yourself in the eye and know that you are worthy of the best, because you do not do anything out of malice, or guilt, but that you simple did the best you could at the time with the knowledge you had? That a mistake means you have learned, and that an experience, no matter how horrible can teach, and that those around you many be professional judgment slingers, but that you are not walking into the arena of their sick game! Of course you can! Why for you too are blessed!

Happy New Year! Much love, much happiness, and many many blessings!